hey everyone I'm Molly would welcome to
the cnet mailbag the show where we take
your feedback and answer your questions
about the stuff we're doing here at seen
it let's get right into your email shall
we first up I have a little update for
you on our HD encoding and Apple TV a
lot of you wrote in when we went to HD
and you said you couldn't watch the
downloaded HD video on Apple TV I wanted
to let you know that it's fixed but in
fixing the problem we did have to lower
our high high standards just a little
bit the problem with that Apple TV only
supports video up to 24 frames per
second and our video was encoded at 30
frames per second so we made it look
worse so that you could watch it on your
Apple TVs maybe you could email Apple
though and tell them step it up a little
bit all right now on to this week's
burning question Deepak and many many
others wrote in to say this I love scene
at TV and everyone's shows there you
guys rock one concern though is that
iphone cnet com needs a major facelift
and i often find a lot of latest videos
unplayable and the individual section
unobtainium on the iPhone and also make
sure it's updated on the go and others
wrote in to say that the last buzz
report on iphone doubt cnet.com is over
a month old and tons of you wrote in to
say that you hated and you wanted to be
better and I get it I get the message
and I've been talking to the one guy who
created it in his spare time to see if
he can you know find some more time to
improve it and I also hear rumors that
CBS interactive is working on an iphone
app trying to get a little more
information about that I will find out
and I will let you all know next week
because I know I want it to be cool to a
little correction now for Mark and
Australia who wrote last week about
whether he should buy a tivo to get our
scene at tebow show LM Morton have seen
it Australia wrote in and said just got
to tell you one thing before your aussie
fan shells out the seven hundred clams
for a tivo downloadable content is not
yet available our tivos were launched in
July with severely hobbled features and
will only record free-to-air channels
we've been denied a heap of things
including recording from cable channels
that there
second skip and tivo to go at least for
now bogus at the moment the broadband
connection is only used to download EP
jeez but downloadable video is supposed
to be arriving in the next few months so
scenic content should become available
but it might not be until two thousand
nine hopefully the mailbag devotees can
hold out until then Thank You Ella and
also that is intensely lame and to all
of you Ozzy's I am really sorry wow that
is no way to live a little note from
Tommy who says memo to brian Tong please
keep your shirt on while doing
prizefight shows thanks hold Tommy I
think some folks would disagree with you
on that one but I'll pass it along next
up ap wrote in and said I'm only 14 but
i like this show a lot i do have three
questions though one is there any way to
request videos on a product that has
been out but no video made on it like
the nokia n93 I to does cnet offer
internships I would really like to work
there three why does kent german look
serious all the time thanks again and
keep up the great work ap here are your
answers 1 you can request a video sure
I'll talk to some people too we do offer
internships but I think you might be too
young but next time we're looking I'll
let you know and keep an eye on
craigslist three why is kent german so
serious all the time because cell phone
reviewing is serious business mp3
players not so much that's why Donald
Bell looks so happy all the time you'll
learn this stuff once you come work here
moving right along mando says dear Molly
cool hostess woods my friend wanted to
buy a smartphone so he asked me what's
the best and coolest smartphone out
there I assured him that the iphone 3g
is the best smartphone out there so i
went on to cnet and navigated to cell
phones best cell phones best smartphone
and guess what no i phone on the list
what the hell is going on with cnet i
demand you put the iphone on the list
now PS i didn't check my spelling nor my
grammar well mando asked Bonnie cha why
the iphone 3g isn't on the best
smartphone list and she said what i
thought she'd say which is that the
iphone 3g is not one of the best 5
smartphones it's email options are
limited and its corporate security is
weak it's just not ready for business
time as much as the other phones on the
but it is the top of the list for best
mp3 phones and best AT&T phones it's not
like we hate it we just understand its
limitations that's our job PS you should
really check your spelling and grammar
dear Molly would I really love your show
and Brian coolies car tech videos
they're fun but where is he in the
coverage of the 2008 paris auto show was
your boss too cheap to buy him a flight
to paris or does he just not like France
anyway would have been great to see him
actually being there and not just
reading out press statements to other
folks video materials greetings from
germany Thaddeus well Thaddius it is
kind of a down economy right now and
yeah our boss was kind of too cheap to
send him to Paris and also I think he
doesn't really like France but we did
send our camera guy Jim and that's it
for this week everyone keep that
feedback coming mailbag at cnet com or
send me a postcard to 35 second street
san francisco california 94 105 see you
next week
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