hi I'm rich brown senior editor for cnet
today we're going to take a look at the
editors choice winning main gear f1 31
so this high end gaming PC from boutique
vendor main gears one of the more
exciting gaming systems we've seen in a
while this particular config costs about
3,000 bucks but what I like most about
the system is its case its format is
about as small as that of a small form
factor pc smaller even in some cases but
also is able to accommodate about as
much hardware as we expect from a
standard mid tower now you can see in
the front it's got a nice clean design
there's not a lot going on up here
there's a slot loading DVD Drive that's
handy of course but if you look all
around the system you'll see that the
sleek design of the front extends all
around it so the reason this system is
so clean all the way around is because
of the motherboard design on the inside
so if we take over this top panel pop up
the side you can see this is a really
unique design and no other pc vendor
that we know if he's using this case
based on the way the two graphics cards
are oriented here you can see that the
ports go up to the top of the system
we've certainly seen that from other
vendors but not in a system that's this
small and the fact that it can contain
two dual wide full-length graphics cards
says that this system really does have a
lot of power despite its small design so
for its specs this is an Ivy Bridge
based PC comes with a core i7 3770k CPU
and it's actually overclocked and it's
one of the faster performing cpus we've
seen out there but most exciting is the
two graphics cards it's a pair of
geforce gtx 680 cards brand new from
nvidia to the highest at cards in the
market right now and this system can
play pretty much any title out there at
full resolution on a single monitor so
this is a full tilt gaming PC in it has
some of the fastest gaming performance
we've ever seen but almost as remarkable
is the hardware that main gear is
cramming in this system up here there's
a water-cooling rig now behind this fan
there's two sticks of memory you can add
two more here you've got the DVD Drive
and here's the big six 60 watt power
supply so what we haven't seen it is a
hard drives and that's because they're
actually situated on the other side of
the system just pop off that side panel
and you can see the system has one two
terabyte drive here a single 60
gigabytes solid-state drive here for
caching and fast operating system
so let's room for two other full-sized
mechanical hard drives this one in
particular is cool because you can just
pop a hard drive in from the top it's
hot swappable it's a really convenient
feature if you end up swapping drives in
and out so with the motherboard going
this way again the ports are on the top
of the system if we tilt it forward you
can see them talking about so there's
two graphics cards there so that gives
you four DVI outs as well as a pair of
hdmi and displayport outputs for other
inputs you get 7.1 analog audio optical
audio output six USB three jacks a
couple of the USB 2 s as well as a few
standard USB and esata ports the three
thousand dollar price i will put the
system out of reach for most gamers
still this is probably the fastest
gaming desktop we've ever seen and for
that I have to recommend it if you have
the means farm rich brown this is the
main gear f 131
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