Major Windows 10 update coming August 2 (CNET Update)
Major Windows 10 update coming August 2 (CNET Update)
a big Windows 10 update is coming August
2nd Microsoft announced the Windows 10
anniversary update will arrive on the
2nd of August the anniversary update is
named as such says it will arrive about
a year after the original introduction
of Windows 10 Windows 10 machines will
receive the update for free microsoft
says there are over 350 million active
Windows 10 devices so what's the big
deal what's new in this anniversary
update anyway first up Cortana
integration comes to the lockscreen
you can ask Microsoft's digital
assistant to questions without having to
unlock your machine Cortana also gains
the ability to recall information like
where you parked your car at an airport
a new version of Microsoft edge the
Internet Explorer replacement promises
better battery life and support for
extensions like LastPass windows ink
comes with the anniversary update ink
will let you use a stylus to sketch or
write notes office maps and Microsoft
edge will support ink the Xbox and PCs
will gain Xbox play anywhere with the
anniversary update that will let you
start certain games on an Xbox one and
continue them on a Windows 10 PC and
vice versa
gameplay syncs up to Cortana commands
will also hit the Xbox one there are
security improvements including using
Windows hello with Windows apps and edge
windows hello let you use your face iris
or fingerprint as your password if you
haven't upgraded to Windows 10
Microsoft's free upgrade offer ends on
July 29th that's it for this tech news
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