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Make espresso drinks from scratch and on the cheap with Mr. Coffee

sure you can spend thousands of dollars on an elite imported espresso machine but if you're a casual coffee drinker that's a huge waste of money if all you seek is the occasional stiff coffee drinks often with the sweetness of steamed milk a gadget like the $90 mr. coffee pump espresso is a very fugle and shrewd alternative this mr. coffee gadget comes with a porta filter which can handle enough grounds for single or double espresso shots it's equipped with a steamer wand for frothing milk Plus has a big removable water tank don't expect a sublime espresso experience from this appliance even though the machine has a thermal block heating system it's brewing temperature is far from consistent that means pulling shots of similar quality is a tall order the steam function also lacks a variable control ultrafine grounds clog the machine too and shots from light roasts tend to taste under extracted I definitely recommend this machine if all you want is the odd cappuccino or latte but if you want to have a very nice shot of pol espresso that's great on its own this is not the machine for you here at the CNET smart home I'm Brian Bennett for CNET appliances be sure to check out my review of this machine as well as other coffee makers at
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