there are a lot of portable boom boxes
out there but I guarantee you the best
sounding one is the one you make
yourself I'm gonna show you how to make
your own self-contained boom box that's
unlike anything you could go out and buy
now let's go over the parts you're gonna
need for this first up you're gonna need
the X mini happy speaker this is a
critical item and it's probably the most
expensive item in this whole thing
around sixteen seventeen bucks
has a built-in speaker and a built-in
mp3 player it's called the world's
smallest boombox we're gonna make it
bigger next you're gonna need is a basic
craft box this is gonna hold everything
together and the speaker the mp3 player
everything's gonna go in here this is
gonna be your boom box it also gonna
want a four own speaker probably
overkill bigger than we need but why not
it's a boom box now for the rest of the
stuff you're gonna want a momentary
switch some odds and ends some bolts
some solder some wire some tools we're
gonna cover that when we get to it for
now let's open the X Mini up and see
what's under the hood alright here is
the speaker itself we're gonna actually
take this speaker off we're gonna
replace this speaker with our big one
this is the guts this is the brains of
the whole boombox
here we've got an mp3 player that reads
off of this SD card we've got a little
control here for play pause and power
and then we've got a recharging port on
the side here and a little battery this
is all we need to make our boom box
alright so here is our in car
replacement speaker eight bucks a steal
this thing can handle 50 watts I think
our mp3 player spits out about two watts
of sound we're gonna put the speaker
facedown on our box
safety first
we're all drilled out we have a few more
holes to drill one's gonna be on the
side and that's gonna be for our power
play pause button the others gonna be on
the back and that's going to be for our
charging cable
for our next step we're going to mount
the speaker in the hole and then we're
going to solder the connections from the
back of the speaker to the X mini
you should have read on positive black
on negative
and you got it and I go red wire red
wire here on the X Mini and black wires
going to go where that green wire is
connected to the negative all right it's
time to flip it back over and wire up
our momentary switch to these two little
contact pads that will control
play/pause and power
I should do it let's hot glue the
circuit board into the box all right now
you can temporarily seal it up a little
dab of glue so there you go now you've
got your own self-contained rechargeable
mini boom box you can just load it up
with your favorite tunes you can give it
as a gift or just save it for yourself
all in all the whole thing cost me just
about sixty dollars there you go rock
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