today we're putting ducks on everything
I'm Bridget John Kerry and this is
you're seen in that update prepare
yourself for future well you'll be
visiting websites that engine dot app
dot store movie Bank doubt Google there
could be hundreds of new words that will
be typing in our browsers the nonprofit
group that manages domain extensions
known as I can for short sorting through
almost two thousand applications from
companies that want to oversee new
domain extensions many companies are
battling for names dot app is a popular
request it got thirteen applications and
also in high demand is dot home and dot
web Google applied for more than a
hundred names including dot lol Wow
Amazon it went for phrases like read
store and music both the Johnson and
Johnson and Google are battling for dot
baby and if there's more than one
application forward than the two
companies will have to duke it out or
it'll go to an auction for the highest
there are also some controversial ones
like dots X dot porn and dot sucks you
can really see how dots Lex can be a
problem for brands like imagine Apple
dot sucks but I can said it will take
measures to make sure companies won't be
exploited under that domain it will be
some time before these extensions get
built out and chances are most of them
won't care dot-com is king of the domain
game you can guarantee over main that
way this just gives companies a chance
to create a page of the dot-com is taken
and it's not like anyone wanted domains
with dot biz or dot info or how about
that dot movie yeah that was predicted
to be the hot extension for mobile
friendly websites and then the iPhone
came out a few months later and crushed
that dream imagine being able to silence
the volume on your phone just by waving
it over a sticker as you walk into a
conference room or how about waving your
phone at the entrance to a restaurant to
post your location check in on Facebook
automatically Samsung is presenting a
new twist to NFC technology used in
mobile payments and Samsung calls them
tech tiles the programmable stickers
would activate different commands for
phones that have NFC chips if this
becomes popular then you can also expect
things like Google Wallet to be more
widely used if you've ever dreamed to be
a graffiti artist but you didn't like
the whole breaking along going to jail
factor well you might like an app called
stick to it's a virtual graffiti app
that uses augmented reality to snap a
photo of anything and add text draw or
put in stickers upload it and other
users can see what other people have
created in that same space it's
available on iOS and Android that your
tech news update for today for more in
the stories in today's show visit
cnet-dot-com-slash-loaded OHS in New
I'm Mary
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