Meet Marvel's visual designer for Hela and more in 'Thor: Ragnarok'
Meet Marvel's visual designer for Hela and more in 'Thor: Ragnarok'
what were you the god of again alright
guys and gals I am here with mr. Andy
Park Marvel Studios I'm gonna get this
visual development supervisor right now
and concept artists now that's a crazy
title but if you were to explain that to
someone like my mom mm-hmm what do you
actually do yeah well hi lead me and
another the head of visual development
Ryan miner ding we lead the department
the visual development department and
what our department does is we design
all the characters that you see in the
Marvel Cinematic Universe all the film's
so we designed the characters and we
also do keyframe illustrations which are
key story moments in any given film so
we're in the beginning of the process
we're even even sometimes even before
there's a script
we're like designing characters we're
designing scenes to help inspire the
directors to producers to kind of help
visualize what the movie can look like
so I lead a group of artists and I know
I also do designs and then we present
them to the directors to the producers
and come up with a visual look for the
Marvel Cinematic Universe one of the
movies that is coming out soon Thor
Ragnarok that's why we're here can you
talk to me about you obviously you look
at the comics and see what they do but
you guys are putting a modern spin or
modern twist that stays true the comics
but also brings a kind of breeze new
life can you kind of talk about that
process in your mind or what what goes
into that because a lot of people like
they'll see this little like that is
amazing but they may not know the roots
of how it all starts yeah I think the
fun fun part of what we do is because
you know we're not just coming up with
things you know out of thin air
you know we're facing these movies on
the source material which are like
decades and decades of Marvel Comics you
know the worlds that Jack Kirby and Stan
Lee and so many so many amazing artists
I know have created through the years so
you know whenever we do a film like Thor
and Thor Ragnarok you know
get to design characters obviously like
Thor for this movie hella you know
introducing the female villain
you know Hulk in his in a gladiator
armor from from World War Hulk storyline
so we got to take a lot of storylines
from the comic book stories and they
they kind of refigure it and make it you
know work in our universe and so much of
it is looking at the source material and
then the tastes of the director so in
this case type of white tee tee you know
he will I'll sit down with him we'll
have conversations about what he's
thinking about when it comes to like
hello for these characters for Thor he
wants Thor to have a new look that's
fresh and different than his more
traditional Asgardian look from the past
two films and even his appearances and
Avengers and everything so we'll look at
the combo you know I look at all the
different because she's been drawn in
you know various different ways her
headdress you know is portrayed in
various various ways so you know I will
just paint as many different versions as
I can I'll do something that are you
know a little bit in more realistic and
grounded and then some that are a little
bit more pushed and like more comic book
II for lack of a better word but you
know the big challenge with Hello was
her headdress you know how crazy do you
go you know your instincts tell you in
the beginning like there's no way you
know you know a character that has you
know these horns that stick out like
five feet you know wingspan can move
around and fight but that's exactly what
Tyco wanted which I totally appreciate
it because you know typically you're
always trying to pull it back and make
it less comic-book II and bring it a
little bit more realistic but he really
wanted to embrace for this movie you
know this one is going to be full on
Jack Kirby's gonna we're gonna embrace
the source material we're not gonna pull
punches so that's it's combination of
source material and then the director
and then of course the producers from
Marvel and their input as well
I'm a huge fan
World War Hulk was one of the great
Planet Hulk storylines just amazing
when I saw the trailer I freaked out
when I saw hit in the gladiator garb do
you actually have of your own maybe I
mean I know there are all your babies
but one that sticks out in your mind of
the cost of the character concept design
that you've done for Thor Ragnarok is
there one that kind of sticks out for
you personally for me the one that
sticks up for me is definitely hella
like designing hella was such a treat
because I think at the end of the day
because I'm a fan of comic book that in
particular Marvel comic books so that's
what I grew up reading to be able to do
a character that's that's so out there
it's not just like someone wearing you
know tactical clothing which is fun to
do as well but she's like a full-on
comic book character with you know her
her cape and just our body suit to the
her helmet and the headdress with the
antlers it's just you know you can't get
more comic book II than that and then
the icing was you know when they got
Cate Blanchett then it's just like yep
that's hella right there now I just
cannot wait to see it all come to
fruition but the other thing you don't
always know who the actor or actress is
going to be before you your concept in
this so does sometimes once you know who
the person that plays that role does it
does it help direct you even more or is
a lot of times that the concert view
came with they tend to find the actor
that maybe you've even in your brain
have modeled it after you know in any of
the movies have you experienced things
like that
yeah majority of the times when we're
because we're in the beginning stage
we're in the beginning stage of all the
movie making process at the same time as
the script is being written so
oftentimes they're there there's no
actor or actress that's already signed
on for a lot of these roles and that was
a case for hella
like I was doing a lot of designs that
other artists were doing a lot of
designs for hella but then she got you
know signed on pretty quickly and then
once you know
you can apply the design that they're
liking to the actor you know you you you
adjust things to make it work I mean
with the information that you have you
know we don't always necessarily have
like a body scan at that point so we
don't know exactly body proportions but
you know Google Images a lot of like you
know you know she's pretty tall and and
then you can see pictures of them so you
can see oh okay they this particular
actor I'm not talking about Kate but
just in general has a longer neck than
this one so you take all those things
into consideration and try to cater the
lines and the design to flatter their
proportions at their face you know
oftentimes you know you don't want to
just hide their face because they're
beautiful we do a lot of other movies
people may not know they've worked on
what Civil War guardians of the galaxy
ant-man I have a question about just
gardens the galaxy and Thor they both
really for the most part take place off
of Earth yeah but they have different
you know feels to them right as Asgard
versus just the galaxy how do you kind
of differentiate those two in your mind
as well because they seem to have a lot
more you can be a little more playful
with with with the environments that
they're in as well yeah because so many
of the I've been working on over here at
Marvel for seven and a half years and
I've been doing working on all the films
since the first Captain America so so
many of our films you know took place on
earth and you know they deal with the
Avengers characters and a little bit
more grounded you know relatively
speaking but you know in recent years
we've delved into guardians the galaxy
Thor so it's really that the way you
make the distinction is it came from the
directors with guardians it's fully
James Gunn and his vision and James
Gunn's sensibilities so much of what he
loves especially in the guardians got
galaxy 2 is was that called Flash Gordon
you know Flash Gordon the Pope Pope
sci-fi novel
from decades ago like that that was his
inspiration for that film so everything
we did was in that vein it kind of has
this retro feel you know it's not like
this ultra-modern
type of costumes and look he will always
like this kinda throwback to kind of
that era with thor ragnarok tiger
embraced Jack Kirby so looking at the
source material of Jack Kirby and his
crazy colors and the way he designs
chunky metal and kind of mechanical
looking designs he wanted that in Thor
so so much so so many of the designs
especially it's a car that is not this
sleek sophisticated swoopy lions are
very like chunky it's retro in its own
different way than Flash Gordon is so it
really comes down to like the vision of
each of the directors and that's how
you're kind of able to get a distinct
feel you know so you know we're gonna
there's what Payton you know like
there's a different feel that he has and
you know working on civil war with the
Russo brothers like they've got this you
know greedy or you know very grounded
visceral action style which is you know
very distinct from the way joss whedon
you know handled like the Avengers which
which is very much more like superhero
like classic comic book you know so it's
really fun working here because every
director has their own flavor but we're
still dealing in the same universe and
the same characters and it's so fun to
see each director kind of doing their
own spin on these characters so even
though this is the third in the trilogy
it's completely different than the last
two you know the first one was Kenneth
Branagh the second one was Alan Taylor
and in very different fields even those
had different fields from each other and
this one is like completely just like
they went for it like okay let's
completely do something different fresh
it's still Thor yeah still Marvel
Cinematic Universe but it's fresh and
new you can feel Thai cos kind of
personality in his the the court you
know the just the freak work is a free
spirit quirkiness
in it yeah and the trailer you could
just you could feel it yeah if you've
seen any of his films like you know he's
got that kind of very quirky you know
but very fun and that the characters are
always central and really great that's
what he brought to this film what what
movies are you currently working on
right now I mean we know that Marvel has
plans to feature AI is are you working
specifically on anything like Captain
Marvel or things like that what are you
working on right now yeah I'm I'm still
doing work on ant-man and the wasp but
that's like that's winding down at least
on our end and right now we're fully
working on Captain Marvel so we were
willing to think of it we're doing
designs it's awesome this is what
happens and we were just kidding well
what what you know stylistically we know
that it's I guess it's you know it's set
before Nick Fury loses as I I don't they
didn't really set out a specific genre
like is eighties and nineties ish I mean
does that kind of lead to some of those
new inspirational styles like well what
excites you about that movie
specifically and what you guys are
trying to aim for yeah I mean it's still
early days and you're still getting
there's not even like full script yet
there's you know they're still working
out the story but we've been working
with Anna and Ryan and the producers and
you know it we know it takes place in
the 90s that already you know brings an
excitement like oh cool you know all the
ramifications of that that happens
before a lot of the stuff that we see in
these movies so that's all being fleshed
out we're working on designs yeah just
beyond that we're still trying to figure
out what exactly is this movie but on
our end we can can we cut at least we
can start running with the designs of
those characters and yeah I'm having a
lot of fun working on that Andy thanks
so much man you did all your time and
all your amazing work and you know I
hope people that watch this or listen
this will have learned a lot about just
the process just the amazing stuff that
you guys hear and marvel studios do so
thanks bro I appreciate
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