hi guys this is bryan bennett foreseen
it appliances and we're at the
international house where show 2015 in
chicago and we're taking a first look at
the brand new vitamix s55 the s 55 is
actually one of the newest personal
blending products from vitamix as you
can tell has this big knob up front and
it has four preset blending options for
different types of food preparation
you've got frozen pulsing and puree as
well as putting in different chunky bits
into your puree and your smoothies
you've got lots of options to blend up
what you want and if you want to get
your hands on this product it's going to
cost you 4 59 and that's hopefully will
be shipping by the june of 2015 I'm
Brian Bennett for CNN appliances and
we've just taken a first look at the
Vitamix s 55
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