this is the $129 Google home as speaker
that you can talk to and control
elements within your home so let's take
a look at the actual configuration of
the hardware first up at the top is a
capacitive touch panel you can use this
to start and stop music playback you can
use it to adjust the volume or you can
simply detach and hold so you don't
actually need to say ok Google and then
complete your request the bass there are
a couple of speakers here and you can
also change these covers as well and if
you're worried about the home listening
into your conversations there is a mute
button here at the back all you need to
do is just press it and then it's no
longer listening for your active
conversations such as when you say ok
Google to trigger an event so let's go
and take a look and see what it can do
around the home ok google' change the
temperatures to 75 degrees you got it
setting the kitchen to 75 degrees ok
google play puppy videos on my TV
sure playing copy from YouTube on
kitchen TV the Google home can also
search the web translate between
multiple different languages and plenty
more functionality it is 129 dollars on
pre-order now available in November find
out more about the Google home at
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