so it's been seven years since we got a
proper Metal Gear Solid sequel and this
game is massive it's very important I
couldn't just talk about the game myself
so what did I do I'm bringing in
gamespot's senior review editor Peter
Brown who reviewed the game for gamespot
to break it down and help me out how are
you sir peter thanks for joining me I'm
good thanks for having me so in your
review you are saying that this is the
best metal gear game ever I mean you
gave it a 10 let's put that out there
yeah explain yourself why is this game
so good why is Metal Gear Solid so
freaking important I mean the Metal Gear
games have been important for various
reasons over the years but what's really
interesting about this series is the
legacy that it's sort of built up and
the really passionate fan base but those
fans know sort of a type of game that
Metal Gear has always been it's always
kind of been about sneaking around in
closed spaces and weaving your way
through really interesting and odd
narrative all of that is here except for
the enclosed spaces art phantom pain is
a massive open world game and that
creates so many more possibilities when
it comes to stealth and both action
based gameplay for the series so so why
you know obviously in this industry when
you give a game a ten people turn their
heads it's you know it's definitely
causes like a double take why does this
one get the 10 from the storytelling
through the gameplay in all of its
layers and forms the game is I mean
there are so many thoughtful touches
everywhere in so many layers of depth to
explore I mean everything you do even
just the act of running and looking
around your environment just feels
really good they have nailed so many
aspects of this game that are often
overlooked by other games and that all
ties into the gameplay that I was
talking about earlier so it's just it's
a very rewarding and fulfilling
experience to play this game and it is
long and it's huge I spent almost 50
hours that loved every minute of it for
the most part and I only completed forty
percent of the game I mean there's still
so much more for me to take
it so it's it's the level of quality and
it's the amount of time that you get to
spend in that world doing new and
interesting things that sounds pretty
awesome the last metal gear game I
played was metal gear for that was like
seven years ago is that right yeah
sounds about right she doesn't eat um so
I remember I really like that game but
the problem I had maybe it wasn't a
problem but just something I wasn't
totally into was the fact that the game
took these really long cutscene breaks
that kind of you know disrupted the flow
of the game how is that narrative
storytelling addressed in a phantom pain
there are still plenty of cutscenes but
they are not as long and drawn out and
frequent as they were in military solid
for the series creator Hideo Kojima love
cinema loves film talks about it all the
time and it shows in his games you could
say maybe Miller solid for was evidence
of his hubris when it came to being
someone who is a film aficionado like
maybe that should have been a movie and
yeah but he's definitely pulled back a
bit for this game the cutscenes are less
frequent you see them you know at least
the substantial ones maybe every few
hours and even then there may be 10
minutes long at the most and then there
are some smaller ones sort of peppered
in there as you complete story missions
that aren't as important but the thing
is that they're all done so much better
than they were in metal gear solid four
that that the acting of the virtual
characters the voice acting of the voice
actors and the composition of the
framing is is phenomenal and the story
also is more cohesive and more
understandable than I'd say metal gear
solid four that story because that was
built off a lot of history and this game
has that going into it as well but it's
also a really good self-contained story
so the cuts these aren't as long and
they're better yeah that was a big
concern i also had was like you know I
the epic storytelling is almost
overwhelming in Metal Gear Solid 4 and
it sounds like judging from your review
that in five it's may be broken down in
a more sort of cohesive manner so you're
definitely you know reinforcing that
you're saying this is something that
most people will be able to
understand yeah it doesn't the game
doesn't start with a lot of backstory
related to the series I mean it does
give you a little bit of information so
you have context but it's not throwing
these really obscure names and and
pseudonyms for for people with other
names into the mix and expecting you to
get that off the bat it tells a good
self-contained story for the first two
thirds and then it sort of jumps into
the the legacy stuff when it comes to
the story and time at back in which is
nice because it actually I think it
brings people in who are new to this
series into that world of you know the
history behind big boss the main
character by giving them a story to
relate to him with to begin with so you
think it's it's definitely arguably the
most accessible metal gear in some time
from a story perspective definitely the
gameplay is much more complex than past
games in the series and the controls
definitely take some getting used to but
from a narrative standpoint I think
newcomers will be right home so gameplay
wise what exactly is different because
you know I read your full review there's
a lot of its open world essentially yet
you something metal gear loyalists
probably aren't totally used to in in
the realm of that universe how does that
play out well it definitely changes how
you approach a mission because now you
know threats can come from any angle and
it could before but the thing is they're
vector might begin a mile away like a
wild animal can disrupt your mission
just as well as somebody that you're
trying you know a tag our database that
you're trying to sneak past so that
changes the sort of approach you take
when sneaking into something such as a
base or you know whatever but the
controls themselves there's a lot of
sort of combinations that you have to do
with the with your hands like hold r1
press n r3 and move it to the left ok
those sort of things that you got to
train your muscles a little bit to get
used to it but it's not it's not a big
hurdle it's just one of those things
that's a necessary evil right on all
right well you've sold me on it thank
you so much Peter everyone please go
read the full review over at gamespot
it's an excellent read Peter Brown thank
you so much for being here man love to
be on thanks Jeff
all right that does it make sure you
read Peters full review over at we'll see you next time I'm
Jeff Bakalar thanks for watching
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