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Microsoft's Build 2018 keynote highlights

privacy is a human right we at Microsoft have enshrined a set of principles that ensure that we preserve this human right protect this human right we ensure that when we use data it is to benefit the user we ensure that the user is always in control of their data and its use it's just like security we're never going to be done we are going to continuously commit ourselves to work to preserve privacy we need to ask ourselves not only what computers can do but what computers should do that time has come we formed an ethics board inside the company which is a very diverse group of people who govern the products we build the projects we engage in but beyond that we are also investing in tools because one of the key things that we have to do is put tools in the hands of developers Microsoft is partnering with DJI to bring a sure IOT edge right to their drones and this is significant because it means any Azure developer using Azure machine learning can develop AI models and deploy them to their drones it also means I can take that same AI model that went to the Qualcomm camera and deliver it to the DJI drone now this incredible drone is a DJI m2 10 RTK and it's capable of running a dirt I Oh T edge right on board the smaller drone is a DJI Mavic air and it's perfect for learning the principles of flight and for developing and testing your AI models now it's all well and good to talk about drones but I bet you'd like to see me fly one and I would love to but unfortunately in a room like this you need a commercial drone pilot license to do that and they're incredibly hard to get so for that we're welcome Francisco from DJI out to the stage to fly for us come on out now Francisco Francisco is going to be flying the DJI Mavic air over the pipes that you see here which represent the ones a hundred and fifty feet up on the roof and the Mavic air is going to be streaming video back to the laptop here which is running azure IOT edge as well as our AI model all packaged up in a great you WP app and when it sees the anomaly it'll draw that same yellow bounding box that you saw with a qualcomm camera alright let's check it out now as you can see we're detecting that anomaly in real time for the first time ever were able to stream video back from that drone to this laptop running IOT edge and our AI model which was developed in the cloud and as I mentioned the M 200 will be running that right on board great Thank You Francisco I'm really thrilled to announce the preview of project brain wave project brain wave is a distributed real-time AI fabric that today is working with FPGAs from Intel to bring the best-in-class real-time AI low latency AI capabilities and inferencing capabilities it has 5x lower hardware latency than TPU for real-time AI and this is going to be available in preview for developers and we're also going to extend it all the way to the edge we're working with our system partners to take FPGA and make it available wherever asher is available and we have many customers who have these high precision and high throughput needs who are working with us and one such customer is table and so let's roll the video to show you how they're using FPGA for real-time AI already people tend to think of jabil as a contract manufacturer we are more than that or a manufacturing solutions provider we've been talking with Microsoft about project brainwave the benefit of the FPGA is the ability to deploy our machine learning models at the edge at a lower cost than GPUs but at a higher performance capability than CPUs the early test result from Microsoft has shown it PJs capable of predicting 550 images the second comparing with the CPU cluster who is 40 images the second the potential for project brainwave is substantial and allowing us to move forward at scale or machine learning across table very excited alexxa add milk to my shopping list I've added milk to your shopping list Alexa open Cortana Cortana here how can I help how's my day I'll take a look I see two events for today first up at 5:30 p.m. celebration with Tom at harvest vine and then at 8 p.m. pick up Maddie from soccer what can I do for you send an email to Tom Taylor saying I'll see you tonight sure I'll email Tom Taylor I'll see you tonight ready to send it yes great I've sent it how can I help I'm done very cool later I love being able to talk to both Cortana and Alexa on my PC let me show you how they helped me through my day oh I see I have an email for Megan about dinner tonight at harvest fine hey Cortana where is harvest fine harvest 9 is about 2 miles away at 2700 1 East Madison and Seattle better get going hey Cortana open Alexa hi there this is Alexa how can I help get me a ride to harvest fine there is an uberx two minutes away from your Alexa address should I order it yes please ok requesting your ride this may take a few moments would you like to continue yes okay you're a bird driver sarah is arriving look for a Toyota Camry what's next turn off the lights please what else can I help you with what do you think about Cortana I like Cortana we both have experience with light rings although hers is more of a halo is there anything else thanks that's it just a few of the things that Alexa and Cortana help me do throughout my day this experience is still in occur in a limited beta but you can go to this website to be notified when we go live today we are incredibly excited to announce two new mixed reality business applications Microsoft Remote assist and Microsoft layout and these are joining the Microsoft 365 family and available for public preview starting May 22nd with Microsoft Remote assist first-line workers can bring an expert right where they need them and they can share what they're seeing this is really important because often they don't have the help they need on-site they can collaborate to solve problems faster using heads-up hands-free video calling image sharing and mixed reality annotations and the IT administrators they can count on secure access secure communications through Microsoft teams and then those experts they don't have to head out into the field or hop on a plane to solve problems this really expedites their troubleshooting and it eliminates a ton of travel costs now with Microsoft layout teams can experience designs at real world context they can share and edit those designs in real time and they can make better decisions faster there are a lot of ways to design spaces right now but it's so hard to visualize them in the real world at size scale and context which means that decisions end up taking a lot longer they should and often costly rework is needed but with Microsoft layout teams can make decisions it used to take weeks or months they can often make them in just days so you remember those workflows I was talking about the beginning so first we're releasing these two applications against those first two workflows and soon we'll be cheering more about how we're going to help with training and development and product focused collaboration patiska aerospace we partner with the world's leading aerospace companies to simplify their supply chain management we have a complex flow of materials in our factory to keep production running smoothly our top priority is keeping people safe and making sure they have access to all the tools and information they need to make better decisions quickly Microsoft's mixed reality tools are helping us get there as we take on new projects we need to optimize our workflows with Microsoft layout we're able to make design changes in our actual factory space with 3d holograms once we have an optimized workflow we use spatial analytics to help drive quality improvements we're running 24/7 on most saws so it's expensive to take one offline spatial analytics listens to our machines and helps to tell us the right time to replace a saw blade balancing quality with the bottom line integration with teams and Cortana allows our workers to make quick in contacts decisions that speed up production with Microsoft's mixed reality tools we're able to work faster safer and at a higher quality than ever before we can't wait to scale this across our entire organization there's so much possibility
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