the NES classic is dead but long live
the SNES classic I might forgive
Nintendo's discontinuing of the NES
classic if this rumor turns out to be
true you guys Eurogamer says anonymous
sources close to Nintendo have confirmed
a tiny Super Nintendo is already in the
works and could be farther along in
development than we might think
the little snes's rumored to hit retail
you guessed it just in time for all of
us to fight over it like rabid wolves
for the holidays Nintendo wasn't quite
prepared for the mania surrounding the
NES classic and experienced shortages
and high demand throughout its run so
let's hope they've learned there will be
massive demand for this teeny console
and make lots more than they did last
time as for games we're guessing an SNES
mini would have a predetermined set of
games on board just like the NES classic
but who knows what games might end up on
there will almost definitely see popular
titles like original Mario Kart and The
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past show
up but I'm personally hoping for semi
forgotten and still excellent games like
Super Metroid and Chrono Trigger to make
the final list regardless of the lineup
I'm sure this is going to be a hot
holiday item if it exists
Nintendo's not saying for now and so
we'll just have to cross our fingers and
hope they make enough for all of us to
get our hands on one if it does end up
in production for more on check out I'm Ashley Scala vegan humans
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