Monster shows its bling with new wireless earphones
Monster shows its bling with new wireless earphones
true Wireless okay true Wireless
business everybody wants us to be in
true what it was but you know it's had
its problems okay
it wasn't ready for primetime again
interferes problems you got your head in
between you got dropouts you got battery
life problems so you know apples today
we're going to get into a two and we're
going to lead the way and I'm glad
they're educating people on a truly
wireless technology however I haven't
read very many positive reviews on the
air Potts
so what's monsters we're gonna do we're
gonna redefine true Wireless the
technology is called monster air link
and air link has special technologies
you can see down there we've got dual
antennas that are pick up the signal
whole lot better the sound quality is
amazing and you'll see this in our
products with ice sport and you see this
are brand new elements products all you
ladies out there everybody who writes
for fashion magazines this is the air
link elements diamonds give a hand for
our to true wireless products
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