Moto G Google Play Edition: Your ticket to ultra-affordable and clean Android KitKat
Moto G Google Play Edition: Your ticket to ultra-affordable and clean Android KitKat
hi this is Brian Bennett for seen it and
right now we're taking a first look at
the motorola moto g google play edition
this phone is almost identical to the
original moto g in every way components
screen design etc what the new GPE
version of the Moto G brings to the
table is Android 4.4 KitKat software
installed right out of the box I know
that Google who now owns Motorola has
promised a timely KitKat update for the
Moto G it can take frustratingly long
for the KitKat over-the-air update to
hit your device hey I'm still waiting
for my previous Moto G test unit to
receive the street be advised however
that the Moto G GPE is not a Nexus
device so you get the basic android
kitkat experience not the special Google
Experience launcher which is installed
on the Nexus 5 the Moto G GPE uses the
same physical design as the motorola
moto g that's good because the phone is
solidly crafted very compact and is
comfortable to hold and operate in one
hand despite its large 4.5 inch screen
you can also swap out the boring black
back plate for a colored one like the
blue one I have here the battery is
embedded and not removable you're also
stuck with the moto g's on board
reservoir of storage since there's no SD
card expansion slot another drawback to
the phone is it's confusing stock
Android camera app which lacks in HDR
mode the original motorola moto g has
that ability plus a photo app that's
more intuitive to navigate even so the
moto g's 5 megapixel camera takes ok not
great photos anyway and like the first
moto G the Moto G gpe is 3g only and
can't connect to fast 4G LTE networks
still the GSM phone is unlocked and sold
directly through the google play market
off-contract I'm Brian Bennett for cnet
and you've just taken a first look at
the motorola moto g google play edition
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