I like the motive g6 I like the moto e 5
plus well both our Motorola budget
phones so mine's better yeah mine's
better mine's better nope mine's better
you know what let's compare them and
find out alright let's go do it pull my
thumb which one's heavier okay well just
cuz you are it is totally heavier this
is bigger you got a bigger screen yeah
but my screen is 1080 resolution yours
is 720 mine has Gorilla Glass 3 so I
don't see any scratches look at how nice
this hole is I mean the finger prints
are so easy just to reach I think it's
nice to have it on the front I can grab
it easier with one hand and use it my
thumb this also has the motor on one
button navigation so if I tap it goes
home if I swipe it goes to resets as I
swipe the other way it goes back if I
tap and hold it goes to Google assistant
I have Google assistant I know you've
Google assistant that's one thing we can
agree on
we both have Android 8.0 and I think
nothing we can agree on is we both let
the karate chop
neither phone is a speed demon
we took a lot of photos here here's one
of us taking a picture of these guys
playing ping pong they're not
drastically different I have to give you
that right there pretty close
well I agree I think they look pretty
similar the Moto G has a little bit
better dynamic range it kind of holds
the highlights in the windows I think
that the e5 + captured more light from
the outside and the g6 captured more of
the light from the inside so the
temperature is a little bit warmer on
the g6 the g6 has two rear cameras yes
but the second camera is only for
portrait mode with your phone doesn't
have and also like what's up with the
hole on your phone it looks like it has
two rear cameras but there's only one it
looks like someone like was gonna put a
window in a house and just like covered
it in black plastic what's this I see
just tracking the meadow g6 what percent
are you at 62% mine's at 82 that would
be more than mine yeah mine lasts a lot
longer mine actually works for two days
even if I'm using it I get through a
date pretty well I mean just charging it
here cuz I'm at my desk and it has turbo
charging mind us - yeah so there's that
okay we've been comparing these phones
all day but what if I told you there was
a phone
I like Goldilocks where it had some of
the best features of your phone like the
battery and all the best features with
my phone into one device I would buy
that one instead well welcome to the
Moto b6 play it's nice it's almost
the screens a little smaller which is
kind of okay considering that it fits in
my hand a little bit better the Moto G
six in the US without discounts is two
hundred and forty nine dollars the g6
play without discounts is a hundred and
ninety-nine dollars well this is 180 in
the US in the US on what carrier cricket
would up does it on the major carrier
like AT&T Sprint t-mobile Verizon Sprint
/ 288 288 dollars so I can I can get it
for 180 not as much of a budget so which
one would you pick I think I picked the
g6 play you know it has a better battery
which I really care about and I like the
feel of it in my hand and it has that
back of the screen fingerprint scanner
which I really like I think I'd go for
the Moto G 6 cuz it has the dual cameras
and has the fingerprint reader on the
front which I like especially for those
navigation testers and that extra
resolution in this play I really like
that so it's an easy compare I'll take
this one
I mean why not I mean you know we should
do is we should go actually go find like
like a restaurant or something where we
could actually celebrate and buy our
phones you know a nice slicked play to
match it or something and then
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