Moviphone: An Android phone packing a built-in projector
Moviphone: An Android phone packing a built-in projector
looky looky what I found another phone
wait wait don't stop the video yet this
is pretty cool it's got a built-in pico
projector what now I know this is not
the first one with a pico projector but
this is a phone called the movi phone
they took a unit disc big from micro
vision it's a projector and then put in
the darn phone 720p and it could be used
for a variety of things
hey you can to protect your video
whether it's Netflix YouTube a video you
shot perhaps an enlightening PowerPoint
presentation onto a wall on the bottom
or two speakers has got stereo sound
it's got USB C and oh my goodness what
is that a headphone jack
it is now what's other cool about this
is it's running a stock version of
Android nougat and has all your favorite
Google apps
it's got a single camera on the back
it's got a fingerprint reader and it's
got a 5.5 into 1080 to display now
here's a cool part this isn't going to
be for Kickstarter it's not available
this fall you can order it right now
that's right you can stop the video
after you finish watching it and buy
this phone if you want now we haven't
tested it yet so you guys still test it
but this is looking pretty promising so
this is called the movi phone and it's
$5.99 a good buyer right now
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