
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Nerd Alert - Downsize me!

dear Apple Samsung LG motorola nokia google and every other mobile phone maker out there please make smaller phones for the last several years you've been making your phones bigger and bigger but not everybody wants a giant phone let's say i want to watch a movie i have a TV for that and I also have a desktop and a laptop and a tablet I'm not gonna watch a movie on my phone I really don't need my phone to be as big as my face don't even get me started about fancy little purses that won't even close once you put in your wallet some keys and a phone so you don't have any pockets and your purse won't close and gentlemen is that a phablet in your pocket or are you just happy to see me you know what else would be great if I could sit down with my phone still in my pocket because otherwise I have to take it out set it on the desk or the table or god forbid the toilet paper dispenser ooh I don't have a choice if I don't take it out of my pocket it's even gonna shatter or end up in the air all right there's plenty of phablets out there for those of you want them great but what about the rest of us I just want a small phone I want a good camera I want a fast processor I want all the bells and whistles I just don't want a 60 screen I want something tiny and adorable and smart and fast and you know kick ass bigger is not always better
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