
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Nerd Alert - Fitness trackers: Motivation or pure distraction?

dear Apple Google Microsoft Fitbit jawbone Samsung and every other company out there making some kind of fitness wearable please just stop I think you think that you're really helping people that you're inspiring healthy habits and changing lives with technology but here's what you're doing you're exploiting our insecurities with overpriced bracelets that collect mostly pointless information having a constant measurement of my heart rate in every step I take doesn't make me healthy it makes me neurotic that said I have a suggestion if you really want to motivate people to make healthy changes in their lives turn these bracelets in to dethklok's you know just an educated guess on how many days someone has left to live that's all any fitness gadget really is from the ThighMaster to the shake weight to the Nike FuelBand they're all just vain attempts to slow down the reaper and is anyone with a dusty nordictrack in the basement can tell you gadgets can't magically make you skinny so people save your money live your life hit the gym go for a walk if you want to but don't slap some corporate-branded shackle to your wrist and call it progress it's just another fitness gadget in a long long line of gadgets that have come before it your results may vary but for the corporation's pumping these things out it's a guaranteed profit
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