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Nerdist's Dan Casey recaps his favorite SXSW 2016 movies and TV shows on Tomorrow Daily

welcome back to the show everybody our guest today you may have seen on a little thing called the internet yeah he hosts a show called the Dan cave he is a senior editor at in front of the show dan Casey yes hey everyone welcome back friend thanks for having me closer to be back oh yeah we haven't seen you since the yes i know i was sad when there wasn't an adorable puppy that i could play with in the green room this time I'm just saying it's a writer because a it is in your ass also the mms like obviously patrick's day oh thank you mean lantern yes yeah i got to support the core yeah also irish we didn't if you didn't know that's a little known secret yes the entire core irish yeah that's they're just fighting an intergalactic potato famine that's um you have just returned from South by Southwest I have indeed I hate my body weight and brisket and lived to tell the tale hey that's the way we do South by Southwest I was gonna ask like the important question today would be exactly how many pounds of barbecue did you eat oh man I'm not much of a math guy but i would i would say the amount was medically inadvisable um i ate quite a bit of barbecue while I was down there because who knows when I'll be back that's kerala for someone with the southwest I decided I was gonna have ribs for every meal which is why I've never been back to South place almost it was delicious yeah but all that protein and I way to go Oh both muscle in his weight again but you are not there just to see and you know yes delicious foods you uh you saw and did other things I said a bunch of stuff yeah so Nerdist geek and sundry and Amy Poehler's Smart Girls of the party we took over this bar on Rainey Street called Bangerz sausage house and beer garden highly recommended it's a great place we turned it into sort of a pop-up saloon so all weekend long we had panels performances all sorts of fun stuff and then that was a big place where I did a lot of that after mentioned BBQ eating nice and on a scale of one to ten how nice was your floozy costume oh man it was a saloon it was I'd give it like a strong seven I don't want to oversell myself like it was hootenanny appropriate very appropriate all right that's what I was hoping to hear that's Texas style exactly appropriate attire or any bar fights uh who I hope not unless uh something went down after its like the talent show by hell yeah Oh killbot beat up jake gyllenhaal hit rash she gets upset about yeah she's like cellar door that's the most beautiful phrase no I will fight you so did you get to see any any of the films that were showing or any I did I did get to see a couple cool films and some cool TV series that are making their premier awesome TV was really big just here at South by exactly TV was huge this year at South by and I got to see an interview the cast of two of the ones I'm most excited for which is preacher coming to AMC I'm scared I'm scared it's good is that you sure good okay it is not a hundred percent the comic oh now you're scaring me but the walking dead is not a hundred percent the comic I don't like that show but it feel it it's so much better than walking dead and i love the walking dead like it it walking it took six years to get good but uh the preacher right off the bat it filled me with confidence it's funny it's gross it's violent all right dark and i think that anyone who's worried their fears will be ass waged once that actually debuts on may twenty second i'm very excited to see it that comic is beloved to me and is one of those ones where I was like please just don't mess it up don't ever touch it so you're making me feel good you can tell that Seth Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg really cared about the source material yeah and some of the action in there like you know I feel like a lot of uh you know comic book TV shows it's kind of like stutter stop action this some of the scenes in that super fluid very funny I can't wait to see more so you saw the first episode of saw the pilot jacket interview the cast about it awesome yeah yeah oh man I'm vicks and you said may 20 seconds on David yes unfortunately there is no mullet for Jesse custard yeah well some things had to be modernized a little bit awesome well if you liked preacher most the other show because he said there were two outcasts speaking of throughout the speaking of The Walking Dead Robert Kirkman another comic that he has its sky bound in Image Comics called out cast him in Paula's aceite really fantastic story about this guy Kyle Barnes who is plagued by demonic possession as whole life and then he you know sort of starts experiencing this on a larger scale in his hometown she has to team up with this troubled Reverend and together they have to put a stop to it before it's too late to troubled Reverend show oh yes exactly like yes that's the hot nature sparkly vampire yeah troubled redford and this is a but it's more about like the main guy Kyle played by a patrickv you get from almost famous yeah and it's directed by adam wingard who did your next and the guests so it's got a strong horror route to it and it's really creepy really gross and one of my favorite comics right now so I think people are really going to dig it on Cinemax debuts june third so you have plenty of time to add that to your cable package Cinemax getting in the game yeah Big Show's mr. cohesive the mix that they did yeah it's fantastic setting up their game big time yeah that's another show that girl she damn weeds they had I mean they've had really good shows it's just I think a lot of showtime wasn't weeds show to show time I'm sorry but Cinemax with the Nick and stuff I think that they are kind of a dark horse in the sense of we don't really we don't really hear about all the great shows that are happening there but there are really good show go on over there yeah it's like HBO's weird cousin yeah like that weird cousin that shows up at the family reunion and by the end of the night you guys are best friends again but at the ferg at the beginning you're like I don't know if I like that guy yeah they didn't mind Amish thing with when I was younger and goldfish in your peoples sandwich just creeping me out I was younger they used to still be the weird cousin but they were the weird cousin that like made everybody uncomfortable because they showed too much yeah and I'm glad they've kind of moved beyond these skinemax amazing family barbecue yes so whose cousin Annie yeah not a hooter nanny yeah when we said floozie we didn't mean floozy all right oh boy okay so TV like those two are your favorites movies always have been a huge part of South by since they out of the film festival I've heard a lot of good things about a lot of movies getting out of South by like midnight special what did you see that was your favorite and also like what were the other movies at you said you just thought were so great and that people should definitely check out when they go wide release I think one of the best things to come out of the festival is a movie called don't think twice and it's mike birbiglia keegan-michael key a bunch of super talented people it's about an improv comedy troupe in New York City and one of the excuse me one of them lands a gig on like a Weekend Update style thing on their version of SNL and it's about how that one person success sort of tears that group apart because it's like what happens when someone else achieves your dream right and it's just it's really good Mike Birbiglia you know ever since it ever since you started making more like narrative-driven features like sleepwalk with me really been crushing it in that one I think is gonna surprise a lot of people specially a little too close to home for us well I mean because it probably that showed the movie that we're writing about Chris Hardwick yeah I gotta just take that off the table now I guess I know Oh God well even like not to get not to get super weird on everything that Chris Hardwick yesterday was like complaining about 11 ish out of you what is amazing yeah for people who don't know it's basically like over in England I think for ITV they're making essentially just a ripoff of @midnight called at 11 ish yeah they just took the @midnight font and made it Boulder Highway earlier yeah exactly yeah show you like eleven fifty nine or so and 30 seconds yeah my lab finish so funny I just say it's a bold move literally maybe because they made in international waters they can get away with it yes oh yes I see Captain all right yeah it's their actual pirate actual sea-faring international water hahaha I like it okay so that was one of your favorite movies what else was good there cuz interactive was there to you get to check out any interactive so I did not really get to check out a lot of interactive stuff one of the coolest things I saw that was there for interactive was Star Wars and Disney they built a life-sized hi fighter what like down the street from us hey we like yours just walking down the street when you go get inside it food trucks unfortunately no you're not without your pilot's license oh well I gotta get that I get down there so only John Boy hey guys allowed pretty much on earth oh yeah does you hear in a pilot he just yeah they just older it's a storm trooper Cameron maybe like honorary pilot's license yeah Popo decides to like swap sides in the new movie yeah and maybe we'll see ya yeah he might get one for sure the I yeah you gotta have on those the helmets with the big you know things here you can't have a regular stormtrooper helmet yeah the black young man with like a like dolo mask in there and stuff you get to have all it yeah my god it's just like in top guys exactly on you gotta get ripoff thing I can't breathe like it's no you gotta have that but it's exciting and cinematic then I want to see that shirtless stormtrooper volleyball scene high five percent how come nobody has made that that web video yeah there's that I think we need to write that parody exactly after we're done with Jack I TV hands off hahaha how dare you don't you amazing what's a terrible Top Gun knock off though they'll knock off that yeah airwolf above weapon yeah sky pistols I like it okay so we have covered South by Southwest I feel like we have a good idea of some of the best things out of the show I'm very excited about those TV shows us hey I'm too after hearing I was worried about preachers well and after hearing from a couple people who saw that pilot they were just like it's good you think you can trust Seth you can trust it like you can you can trust them yes Evan and Seth have it locked down like they get it they understand it they love it it's made it's a labor of love yeah trust and you would never know that Dominic Cooper and ruth negga who play Jesse Custer and tulip respectively are British you would never know yeah alright alright Justin gilgen you know he's Irish because I supposed to busted me yeah let's be really are he's not faking it they got a real Irishman I just want to see if they're really gonna do our space at some point they do really without spoiling anything you'll already it's all happening yeah all happening it it yeah your life is gonna change me alright so I over at Nerdist what are you guys doing what are you doing on Dan cave right now what's the what's the thing well I'd fun with this through for South by Southwest you know it's a weird city full of weird movies and Boston weird exactly yeah thats that is their their mandate mm-hmm so i celebrated that a little bit with some of the most like WTF worthy movies ever made and that was a lot of fun to research that episode because you just like its i tried to skirt book between like awesomely bad movies and I just deeply strange movies yeah so you have like samurai cop which is just full of like terrible wigs are mad acting like bizarre choices then you have like holy motors which is like very well shot very thoughtful but also like incredibly off-putting and weird weird yeah yeah um so if anybody had to pick one summer blockbuster to see this year what would having seen none of them having so but you seen any news but you have a good I think you have a good sense of what's gonna be good and what ya gonna be so good and this is a really intense year for blockbuster films yeah a little bit and it's expensive to go to the movies and before you answer yes if you don't say civil warrior kicked off the ship I well but say whatever you want but just know that look I apologize to all those who have warned the logo on my shirt before but I have to agree with Jeff civil war captain america civil war okay I was lucky enough to visit the set last year in atlanta georgia at Pinewood and everything i saw there has filled me with so much confidence in everything I've seen since all the footage all the trailers Pete's Peterman the brand-new costume Peterman's in the movie yeah with his little Skrillex scrawny teenage voice like hey everyone ha ha ha ha big excitement they did the thing that I've been trying to beg them to do in a spider-man movie up till now and that is animate the eyes yeah I can't hold a functional I like their functional they look like they're shudders like camera shutter yes that like open and let in more light and clothes and also give him an expression which is nice exactly especially after Deadpool you know it doesn't have to make logical sense it's just one of those like your little comic book trappings that like adds a lot exactly i mean you're not contriving to rip his mask off every year and it's yeah totally yeah so I think we I think we I think we're gonna wrap it up are you gonna wrap up dude thank you so much for coming by thank you for having us we should just lock you in a closet and keep you here well it's just like where I live at home I my harry potter larper so like to keep it authentic it's living downstairs all right perfect oh oh oh no bye bye Alma I was gonna say where can people keep up with your goings on oh we can find everything I write on Nerdist calm you can find me on the internet at osteo ferocious like the crippling bone disease but meaner sorry someone is squatting on at dan Casey I would have that otherwise yeah options yeah they're Twitter Instagram snapchat unfortunately I am clams clams clams because I did not think it was a viable platform but yeah yeah awesome and you can also find my books on amazon com just search for my name fantastic well thank you so much for coming in and like I so it's always a delight it is indeed I we love talking to you about movies and pop culture and stuff so that is that is mr. dan Casey everybody make sure you check his stuff out on the internet if you're not already which let's all be real here you probably are and there's more tomorrow daily coming right up so stick around don't touch that dial
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