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Netflix Launches 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Video

binge-watching is getting more interactive Netflix is adding choose your own adventure style videos the first take on this interactive story is going to be targeted to kids it's called puss in book starring the Puss in Boots character from DreamWorks trek universe as you go through the store you have to decide which path your character follows and the storyline will branch off in different directions depending on what you choose there are 13 choices to make in the Puss in Boots story but in the end it comes down to two different endings Netflix will have another interactive story next month on July 14th that one is called buddy thunderstruck and there's a Stretch Armstrong story planned for next year but not every device can play these interactive stories it will not work on Apple TV chromecast and it won't work on any Android device at least not yet it should work on some Smart TVs and on iPhones and iPads this is not the first time someone has mashed the choose-your-own-adventure concept with video YouTube creators have put their own twist on interactive stories for a few years now people can create buttons that link out to other videos to hash together a similar experience this technology is also coming to the movie theater a film called late shift is a 90-minute movie making its US premiere in Los Angeles next month where the audience has three seconds to make a choice using their phones filmmakers had to create a total of four hours of content for all the different possible storylines I'm Bridget Carey and you can see what tech adventure awaits you by clicking around see Netcom
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