Redbox has the movie titles Verizon has
the technology and infrastructure add
them together and you've got what could
be a powerful provider for streaming
on-demand entertainment it's allowing
Verizon to get in on the streaming game
and actually counter Netflix head-on
separating this new subscription plan
from the well-established DVD rental
service is the ability to download
movies and TV shows so you can watch
them later in addition to just streaming
them a service that Netflix doesn't
offer Netflix is how to all this
backlash recently when it split the DVD
business from the streaming business and
started basically charging double to
people who wanted both like Netflix the
service will be available in two forms
as a traditional DVD rental from Redbox
kiosk like these to a streaming service
on a wide variety of devices televisions
smartphones and tablets under this deal
Verizon will own 65% of the joint
Redbox 35% but other subscription and
pricing details are vague but seen
that's Jessica dole court says it will
all come down to the content the
services can provide you want to see
favorite TV shows you want to see your
favorite movies and if Netflix can
provide it you might go with Netflix if
Verizon can provide it you'll go with
Verizon I think it's great I don't have
to come over here and rent the movie
yeah definitely probably use that
servers they have newer movies available
it sounds cool if that attracts more
customers than hey the service is
expected to launch in the second half of
2012 in San Francisco I'm Kara Tsuboi for CBS News
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