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Netpicks - Free movies going offline soon

no a doctor who Sandra Bullock all that moron net fixed welcome to net picks where we let you know what's coming and going online first up let's take a look at some new releases at Netflix on April 16th it's time to watch Hot Fuzz starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost the action comedies flat-out fun to watch it's probably more enjoyable if you've watched Point Break and bad boys too before watching Hot Fuzz April 17th brings the Netflix original comedy special by Chris D'Elia seen him on NBC's Whitney don't hold it against it he's funny Noah starring Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly will arrive on both Netflix and Amazon Prime on the 18th of April April 22nd watch night with the star is the science of Doctor Who hosted by physicist Brian Cox who explores the real possibility of time travel that's on Netflix let's take a look at the movies it's firing on crackle soon that's right not Netflix but crackle you've got the rest of April to watch the net starring Sandra Bullock because it disappears from crackle on May 1st in a movie that's a cross between blade and taken priest goes offline at crackle on the 1st of May and you guessed it it's a vampire Western about a warrior priest who tracks down a band of renegade vampires you've kidnapped his niece yeah really I'm not making that up other potentially higher quality movies that are leaving on crackle on May 1st on that date say goodbye to taxi driver drive-in Donnie Brasco all of those movies stream for free but with that anime fans Marc April 17th in your calendar because the full dubbed and subtitle series of Cowboy Bebop makes its way to Hulu Plus that does it for us for a full list of everything that's coming and going online check out slash stop watching this and start watching back
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