if you tend to lose your staff then the
tracker system might help you find those
things again there are a couple of
different devices they all work in a
similar way there is the tracker pixel
the track of Brava and the tracker
wallet these devices all help you find
handbags and luggage whatever it is
within Bluetooth range but now they also
work so you can actually geo source
information on where those items are if
you're out of Bluetooth range so how it
works is the data will be triangulated
and you'll be able to find when your
device enters into Bluetooth range as
long as someone else is using the
tracker up and they pass that device
within Bluetooth range and then you'll
get a notification on your device to
tell you where that lost devices
regardless of where it is throughout the
world the tracker Atlas though helps you
find things in your house this is a plug
that powers into your outlet anywhere in
the home you can put one in each
different rooms designate one is living
room one is kitchen one is bathroom and
then it will find the points in your
house where your items are for example
if you want to track your cat you can
put a tracker in the living room in the
kitchen work out where the cat is gone
throughout the house just by using the
app and it will tell you exactly which
room it's come in and out of and finally
there is a new Alexa skill that you can
use in order to find and bring your
phone just say Alexa use tracker to ring
my phone and low and behold it will find
your phone
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