
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

New MacBook Pros, Airs and iMacs, oh my! (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast, Ep. 60)

three marketers the age of the customer has arrived in sales forces with you for every step of your customers journey with your brand blazed trails across your entire business to create one connected customer experience with Salesforce be smarter and more predictive with your marketing using an intelligent platform that integrates marketing with sales service and commerce by engaging your customers on any device and channel in real time learn more at salesforce com / apple byte from the Giant Bomb podcast studio in San Francisco California it's the Apple vide extra country podcast with your host mr. brian Tong what's up beach what's up welcome to the show everybody it is episode 60 of the apple byte extra crunchy it is our audio podcast that complements our weekly video show it's everything Apple good bad it's your commentary your questions our answers sometimes your answers to again this show is all about you also you can always call us at one eight hundred 61 62 63 eight that is the phone line leave us your name where you're from your comments or questions and we will get into it in the show but again you guys and gals I'll make this possible so we appreciate it and let's just jump right into it right off the bat Apple's October 27th event it is official right you guys know that Apple sent out the official invite just a couple days ago in fact it might have been even just yesterday morning if I have all res everyone was like when are we gonna get this invite I knew it was just to happen real soon I knew it was coming October 27th is a very special day okay so for a variety of reasons but one of the reasons is a apple's keynote everything we expect this is pretty much the last keynote from Apple that we're going to hear about the new macbooks the new max they gave us as kind of like semi apple logo with a bunch of different like splashes of color and I don't know to me they're not gonna put out like a pink or orange or yellow macbook but who knows now just for some reference and I tweeted this out for people that follow me Apple has used this phrase hello in a few occasions in 1984 when Steve Jobs introduced the very first mackin on the screen it said hello now in 1998 when Steve Jobs made his first return back to Apple during their keynote it was at the flint center at DeAnza College the new Bondi blue imac right this was like the rebirth of the imac it was SJ coming back on the screen it said hello and then in parentheses again so the fact that they're using hello again a third time around I actually think that's not very creative yeah it should have been the right kind of thing it is throwback but why don't they just do like hello it's me you're looking for what they do hola something just something different okay anyways we know what's coming up October 27 so it's kind of wanted to run down there's a lot of rumors about what might be happening the the product we know the most about based on reports and speculation and rumors is going to be the new macbook pros bruises this is a product category we've talked about before that has not been updated in over four years and I'm talking about an actual redesign change I'm not talking about a speed bump the retina display is awesome but an actual fundamental design change so with these new macbook pros we are expecting to see a new 13-inch MacBook Pro a new 15-inch MacBook Pro they are expected to be thinner in size they expect to bring a new touch ID sensor somewhere on their USBC right that's the kind of almost looks like your microsd it's a little thicker it's reversible there will no longer be these rectangular USB ports on this machine as well as Thunderbolt 3 this is again for the macbook pro 13 and 15 we don't expect to see any larger screen sizes so I'm sorry for all the people that we're hoping to get like a 17-inch one that's just not going to happen but the big feature here is going to be the oled touch bar that has been rumored and talked about we have seen it in other pcs specifically the razor line of laptops for gaming we've seen that but Apple is going to pretty much replace that function though that top row of your keys on your keyboard which is the function keys and it's going to replace it with an oled touch bar where these this oled screen can be used like buttons but it will morph it'll be able to do different things like depending on the app you're using it will be able to have different contextual options or buttons based on whether you're doing a media player whether you're in Safari maybe if you're doing like you know third-party applications will have to support it but wow what about quick quick key shortcuts for things like video editing in adobe photoshop they have to have software that supports this as well I don't want it to just be on Notes Calendar iTunes I want to be something more than that so that's that OLED touch bar that is really going to be the feature that potentially makes this laptop special or not so we'll see what happens with that also reports coming out of a mac kodikara claim that the oled touch sorry that the macbook air it will still live but this is a 13-inch right now we have the 13-inch macbook air and the 11-inch MacBook Airs according to reports the 11 inch will be completely eliminated and then the 13-inch macbook air will live on in addition of and that will get a new USB seaports on it the apple imac has had rumblings really not much in anything beyond the macbook pros and laptops the imac has been told they we've been told that it might get a new AMD video card and the other big kind of piece that was just a quick short rumbling was that apple and LG are working together to bring back an apple display they haven't released an apple display and man I feel like at least three or four years as well I could be wrong like a new one but this will be a 5k display that works with your your Mac computer so that's kind of the big bullet points again just to go down the line the last time we saw really a revamped macbook pros been four years the mac pro that's the apples kind of trash can looking desktop machine that has had some issues with our staff quite honestly when it comes to like doing some video editing yeah like crashing hangs like you know it's it's it's a three year old machine it is all it's all we knew but it's there I don't even been any there hasn't been any major significant upgrades to it it's right on they locked into that very specific cool sexy design but it's so unique and so different know if that's actually helped them out as well as the mac mini that's been about two years since we've seen any upgrades so there's a lot that we need to know about the max and as of now it only looks like we know much about macbook pros i think at the if you look at this you know comprehensively though i am excited because we don't really know much going to this keynote yeah that is probably the best thing that could come out of it yeah people aren't as rabid as they are for the macbooks as they are for the iphones even from the rumor mill side right yeah exactly i got we don't see we don't see our homeboys like my family in China go into the factories and try to get the new macbook pro like shell design yeah there's no one left one sitting at a bar in San Francisco or anything like that that has not happened yet so we'll see again that's going to be october the 27th that is next week thursday it'll be at ten a.m. pacific time so lock in apple will be streaming the keynote we will be there as well and the one last thing that I want to know is will Apple have the courage hmm to keep to keep the headphone jack in them you got a how-to you've got to keep a headphone jack in the lighthouse yes but here's the thing right there's plenty of real estate in there here's the thing if it's a us if there's USB seaports and thunderbolt ports that would mean you would need a dongle adapter to go into your macbook to support apple's lightning headphone cables really yeah that's a bummer that's like why thanks thanks that's why it's like are they going to even put a lightning port on there just for your headphones because they put it on our there's times at work you do switch over or even anyone on the road switches over from their phone to their laptop your laptop doesn't have a lightning port man it's a problem we'll see we will see so that's what's going on overall with the macbooks and while we're talking here I'm just going to take a little break because we have another word from our lovely sponsor okay marketers the age of the customers arrive mass emails are general in ad campaigns just won't work anymore sales forces here to help blaze a trail with your marketing and deliver the unique brand experiences your customers want and with Salesforce marketers open doors between business units by sharing data to collaborate across marketing sales service and commerce smarter and more predictive with your marketing by making recommendations using collaborative data and solve concerns with service integration engage your customers on any device and channel in real time from social media to your connected products gathering key insights into your customer and business relationships at every stage adjust campaigns as you go to drive leaves and pipeline do all this and more while collecting data from every interaction to build a complete view of every customer and manage your marketing strategy from your desk or your phone be a customer Trailblazer discover one connected platform for one connected customer experience with Salesforce the customer success platform and guess what you can all learn more at salesforce com / apple byte all right Thank You Salesforce for sponsor we appreciate it that keeps us in business that allows everyone at home to still listen to us yes probably a good thing Thank You Salesforce okay let's jump into this uh we know that the jet black iphone is now pretty much in stock and both the standard iphone 7 and 7 plus models across the u.s. in most major stores there's this really cool tool called I stock now if you guys want to see that that'll give you like a nice display map of what's going on there but look as time goes on sometimes you see like flaws and things that happen with with products and this one's this one shocked me okay check this out a lot of us protect our iphones with cases but some of us use those skins because they want a low-profile protection there that the type of people that don't think they're going to drop it which is fine right well according to reports this is not widespread but this has happened in people that are using these skins a small number of iPhone u owners have found that when they try to remove the actual skin the the logo transfer that says like iphone the serial number the FCC stuff some of that print actually then transfers off of your phone and onto the skin when you take it off Wow like it actually just taking yoga it's taking a faint off your phone staying in the paint off people that that happened with my iPhone 5 you know just having it in a case it scraped off all that and oh it did yeah i mean just having it inside the case just for years like all that stuff got scratched or was it just eventually like k and it was just gone you know like what can you do yeah so this is an issue it's not affecting everyone but there's plenty of images and videos that show that uh this is actually kinda happening to the iphone 7 right now so um it's not the biggest problem but it would suck it would suck Brandt dude the phones are wet like two weeks old and you're you're you could I mean in a weird way coming up in a weird way it kind of stylistically looks really cool like if you just have just straight up just solid color iphone with none of that stuff on the back to me that's actually kind of cooler so you know what I might take that back I'll notice I didn't throw any bad apples out because I don't think this bad apple just it's just it's just there and it's not completely ripping off its like some of the paint will transfer over but again it's just something to note to let uncle know I kind of like it when people do that two cars like they take all the branding off their car you can't be away as you know it's not i think that's cool it's fine you take up the hood ornaments and stuff like that i don't know what it is oh you know the medallions whatever they call you take up like you don't want it people to know if you have a rolls-royce or lamb but just just rip off rip off that stuff i got a view this rip up it looks like a you know looks like ana paula it's a Buick okay all right this one coming out of a recent conference here this is vanity fair's new establishments establishment summit that happened here in San Francisco recently Apple iTunes chief Eddy Cue sat down with HBO CEO Richard plepler for an interview with Vanity Fair talking about you know the television industry the partnership going on between Apple and HBO and how TV will improve in the future disclaimer we know that Apple according to all sources and reports have been trying to nail down some sort of a TV streaming service but have not part of that problem has been pointed in the direction of eddy cue and their hubris and their cockiness and their demands of what they want and that's why people aren't working with Apple look just recently we know we have sling TV we know we have playstation view of services recently it was reported that our parent company CBS is joining on with YouTube's TV streaming service which is expect to be called unplugged some time for next year as well as other networks Apple is not doing it okay so this is a quote these are quotes from eddy cue according to this report during his time at Vanity Fair now Eddy Cue says television needs to be reinvented because it's confusing hard to navigate interfaces you live with a glorified VCR he said you're still setting things that to record there are nine hundred channels but there's nothing to watch he went on to say that there's incredible stuff to watch but the interface makes it impossible to find content again he reiterates the problem is the interface the ways you interface with it are pretty brain-dead I sort of agree with them i mean there's i do much content and i watch maybe like two or three things and a lot of that has to do with just I guess finding stuff you know having it in front of my face where I just know I'm aware of it you know I mean and I think that look the way that networks don't want to do this because it would shift away from the focus on the network but what would be easier to me and I thought about this is look why not if there was a platform that allowed you just to search by shows and forget the network right when we look at our TV cable boxes it's all broken down by TV channels you got to scroll down guess well we kind of know the shows that we want to watch yeah it needs to be more tile-based like a netflix like an Amazon where you know the shows you want to look for you can search for them and when I say search look Apple is eluding the fact that a lot of these things don't have voice search but I can guarantee you that comcast xfinity x1 platform that i have used has voice search and it works pretty well for networks and for shows and so Apple can say that Apple has shifted their real their interface more to like okay see relaunch things use your voice on the Apple TV but again if and they don't want to do this if we move away from the networks and the shows on the network and really just focus on the shows that in itself makes it so much easier to find content yeah and that's kind of what Amazon echo and all that stuff is doing with amazon video content too so you could tell it like play I think you could tell it to play a certain TV show and it'll play it on your amazon prime if I think it's if you have to have a fire you had they all have to be basically interconnected Google's kind of doing a similar thing they only showed it off with their a Google home to chromecast totally so you know again it's it's about voice integration and also look not everyone is going to use their voice but that makes it an easier more seamless way to do it instead of dinking dinking around on a navigational control and also just for accessibility purposes you've you know you not everyone can honestly use a remote yeah and typing on those like the netflix search engine or the amazon prime search engine you have to like go and pick each letter it's a big pin yeah yeah I'm not saying to get rid of these interfaces you have to have them exist but the core interface should be voice and it is moving that way so we know that I think though for Eddy Cue though to come out and be like oh these interfaces aren't good enough like bra you don't even got a TV service like I couldn't even do that bro like really right so don't come all high and mighty when you are actually trailing in the game that's that's what drives me crazy like look we love a lot of stuff that Apple does we also don't like things that Apple does but when you are trailing in the game when you're not even in second place you're like third or fourth yeah don't be cocky about it it's the stupidest that you look stupid it was also like just recently like they released the apple TV without 4k compound that you know stuff like that like just no 4k compatibility but then no ability to stream 4k 4k oh yeah yeah it's so just small things like that just show that they're behind you know so we'll so we'll see how you know innovative apples interfaces let's be honest they are shifting more to the app model again where you can call things by voice but if you're telling me that that's a game-changing interface like I guess what people can already doing remember Wendy doing that peoples are people already doing that so please don't don't make it sound like you're like so I have a great idea everyone you have a great idea if you could just say what show you want it's it's getting bad it's getting really bad uh for those of you that wanted to really dream about hey you know what I'm not gonna get a Tesla I'm not gonna get a a smart bar well I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait until 2024 apples car because it'll be better than anything else out there okay I know there's people out there like that that or that that do this I've talked about on the show in the past how I put down the one thousand dollar deposit for the Tesla Model 3 you did yeah because it's refundable and also I wanted to get in the queue because by the time I make a purchasing decision it's gonna be like three years from that time right yeah yeah totally like the queue is long it's not like it's going to be easy to get this stuff and I'll be in the market for a new car by then anyway so I'm like okay let's just do it okay for all you 20 20 years waiting for an apple car I'm gonna tell you things are looking pretty bleak right now according to Bloomberg Apple has scaled back its plan for the Apple car now that this is not just like oh we're gonna like bring things back this is significant okay we've known historically through this project Apple has changed leads for the program which is codenamed project Titan for their Apple car reports came out that they're flirting about a car and sometimes I think reports got a little ahead of themselves as well to say Apple is making an actual car they might have have plans for that but they have now drastically scaled back their ambitions basically this the plans are not to even build its own car that's no longer on the table there according to people familiar with the project this is based on the Bloomberg report what Apple is looking to do now is refocusing their development of a autonomous driving car system so what that would do we talked abouts little while ago it would allow Apple if they build this autonomous car driving system maybe they could partner up with a car manufacturer or return in the future to designing their own car but they're only focusing on the self-driving system okay there's a few companies that are doing this like right now already trying to say Apple just walk away like dude stop you're way behind man just stop like we said from the start it's not easy to build a car it's you know you might have all this money in capital on this idea that you can change the world but building a car is not like building a smartphone and it's not like building a computer even the margins right you're pretty much time out like around even margins like three percent margins Apple gets like thirty percent twenty to thirty percent margins on their products that they sell cars it's not that way it's just not that way so what the Apple project Titan team has been told is that they can go work on a plan and propose what they're doing in 2017 so that's next year and the company Apple will decide the fate of the self-driving platform then this sounds like it's coming unraveled oh it's totally time not only that like wait Hoover's got cars driving already we're doing self-driving jazz personnel try start driving cars right now and like Pittsburgh in Canada and everywhere and who else another company just announced it to like Google's doing it every everyone's doing it here's another indication of letsa read the tea leaves according to the report hundreds of members of the car team which compromise the car team itself compromises about 1,000 people hundreds of them not like 10 or 20 hundreds have been either reassigned let go or left of their own volition in the recent months the public the moves aren't being made public but the Apple car is more like a pipe dream right now like it's it's a bummer and again like uber Google look there's just a report that Tesla is just Tesla has the hardware in their cars today that they can then basically eventually as they test it out and roll out flip a switch and they would I think they said in about five years they'll be able to have autonomous cars based on what's already on their fleet totally and uh Elon Musk said like you can be on the other side of the country and hail your car and it'll find you eventually no I'm like are you kidding me no really yeah I mean that's pretty awesome I know what I want that I need I want I'm look you're behind bro I can't say it any other way watch next next thing we know apples gonna be like we're launching apple space program we're going to start launching rockets in this space you it's just it's really hard it and we said we also said that from the start like that this would be really hard yeah and then I also said last year that we're gonna see an apple car this year but oh yeah questions well you shouldn't you should have talked to no sir thomas hahaha next question all right we have a bunch of phone calls you guys and gals are contributing to this show we want to let your voice be heard so uh let's just kind of check out what we've got cookin and we'll get to them alright we go hey guys love show quick question what do you guys think about iOS integration and the Amazon dots are the Alexa platform is it worth buying now shouldn't we wait to see what Apple has in store for AI Siri integration should we hope to see some more skills developed that are led by iOS fanboys and developers what are your thoughts this chris from Macon Georgia love the show okay so here's the thing with all these different AI platforms we know amazon has their own google is working on their own I amazon is one of the few companies that likes to make sure their stuff is everywhere we saw that on the Kindle platform they made their Kindle reader the digital app available so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some level of iOS integration but what they've done right now because I have an ax I don't want to say the word because I think it sets off people's thing I everyone talks about it how about a la unless they call it a lot I'm gonna be very considerate okay but because of they do have the ELA app for iOS and you can manage some of the content also the devices you can add things to do list shopping stuff like that so that's kind of the level of iOS integration we have but Apple is doing their own platform for smart devices right they have their home kit stuff they have a new interface in iOS 10 amazon is doing their own thing and Google's doing own thing they might make an app that's complementary available but beyond that I don't expect us to see much integration they want to there trying to win that space an AI is the next battleground right now big time okay next call this is blair and west holly weird about to comment about guy eyes and his recent design mistakes based on a book i'm reading called a beautiful constraint it gives examples of people having limited options money resources and rules and how it drove them to be more creative you for example look at Star Wars the original were great because George Lucas was limited by budget and technology and the people around and would tell him no a lot George's ex-wife even edited the first film which then caused it to even be better arm but then the prequels came out George wrote to everything and he directed and it just came out really bad so Steve Jobs used to limit and focus Johnny odds so fantastic iconic stuff was made but how that but now that Steve is gone Don Ives doesn't have any people around him to put constraints on him hence the battery case in headphone design so in my opinion jony ive's is well on its way to introducing the I Jar Jar Binks of apple products if someone doesn't step in and stop himself I think that was a great call it it hits the point of like we said earlier no where was the genius behind it but like like this caller mentions like the restrictions kind of force you to be a little more creative and when you have carte blanche maybe it's not as easy i still think though no matter what if you're one of the great designers you know arguably one of the top ID guys in the past 10-15 years you still should have never made that Apple battery chase like I just don't get that nice they're just trying to solve a problem I still don't get that I did it really baffles me like other companies that made battery packs look completely sleek and it's like what is that do do like what is that do too so I think that's a great point historically how sometimes design has been inspired by limitation so that's a great call cool yeah for the record I like I'm a fan of the prequel Star Wars movies so I'm sorry oh I like them I don't care what anyone says we like how big of a fan like okay I mean either fun okay okay okay that no and you know what I'm actually not a hater on that because okay how about this real quick later become evil that's cool that was cool okay how about this I'm putting you on the spot we had a lunchtime conversation between like seven of the guys from our group that's why I was late to the beginning of the show yes we ranked our order of the star wars movies prequel you know the actual original core trilogy and force awakens that's I'm going to tell you my order right now I know you have to kind of think about it but I'll tell you my order right now okay and people can disagree I actually would like people to call in it's a totally random tangent or tell us on periscope and YouTube here's my order five four six seven three one two ok let's that's four so yeah empires new hope return the Jedi numbers force awakens you know and then three two one of the prequels I think people are gonna people if you know like going crazy on this like seriously okay I'm gonna look I'm gonna trying to say Return of the Jedi was your favorite favorite no I see from that was the one I grew up with two and I was about to but here's the thing as we get older and partially when you're a kid and pressure strikes back is like the lamest one but when you get older to go watch that again oh my god is Empire with the Ewoks no return the journeys with the Ewoks yeah the Hoth battle scene that's right snow yes yes yes and other stuff that I want to spoil I don't want to spoil the movies for anyone that's listening that that that is that's the gym yeah I was gonna say 30 wait wait you mean oh you mean for I'm sorry okay start with no so returning the Jedi would be six correct so six five four okay and then the prequels in their order or whatever and that will actually no I think um yeah the latest one what was the third one when Darth Vader becomes our Vader no no what was worth waking force awakens that one comes before okay the Darth and then Darth Vader one after that we're a big it was that's really and then one or two women probably 10 sea lion too yes yeah one agrees to was kind of bad but they had jango fett dog like Jango Fett was oh yeah I can go fast he's by the hill I mean once I got to the Coliseum and they started like getting crazy with those animals I'm like what am i watching right now but ok so just to recap you went six five four seven three one two yes I believe that was right I blue is correct excellent nice job alright so should we get to our next class for this stuff ok do we hear this one already see this is a paper I and this is matthew and my question is I have a late 2009 macbook that's the white one that I've always used for school and starting to die it freezes up and restarts itself so should I order a refurbished current macbook pro which I could get right now for 16 99 or should I wait for them to introduce a new one with the oled touch bar okay thank you 1699 for refurbished my my advice is no matter what you do wait for the announcement those refurbished ones will even go down by a couple hundred dollars typically you better buy it right after the announcement right after they drop so monitor it because it's really limited but wait for the new keynote then wait for the price to drop and immediately purchase what you're targeting well let's be TZ's shopping tips okay next call hey Brian hey Steven this is more health inspectors what do you guys think about the Bluetooth 5.0 standard it's supposed to have quadruple arrange double the speed a data broadcasting capacity increased by eight hundred percent what do you think that means for bluetooth earphones the air pod Apple watch iPhones just curious where you guys have think about it or have you thought about it thanks love a show you want to give your initial thoughts all that sounded really good to me I mean I i use bluetooth in my house and I walk outside then my phone stops working with my speaker it's annoying my kiddo like walk in front of me and it stops working yeah so uh so yeah I'm all for it man like the Bluetooth spec just like the Wi-Fi back over time continues to get better and better they do new technological improvements on it the biggest advantage that I see with bluetooth is going to be obviously the range in the distance is huge but we're in the era of the smart home smart devices and it's only getting better right we call it the Internet of Things the IOT so having more powerful Bluetooth connectivity for all of those devices further arranged being able to truly you know connect directly to them is going to help overall just from a text standpoint you you can't get there's nothing wrong about getting stronger and faster better signal so it's just going to help everything it's awesome and when is that going to come out well technically i believe it was supposed you know these specs take time to roll out and then it also takes time for manufacturers to incorporate them but i believe the spec is rolling out at the end of this year or like someone the first half of 2017 hmm so um just look forward to that can't wait till 2017 blue 250 okay last call hey Brian this is zachary from billings montana just once let you guys know love what you guys just show I've never owned an apple laptop my question is to you should I get the one that's coming out Laird it's October or should I wait out a couple years also shout out to montana montana montana why is he shouting out Montana remember a career I think we were we were dogging it a little bit well your time how you're flying over it flew over and all I saw was just white just whiteness down there just what we called out for Apple biters in Montana and like North Dakota to give a shout-out hollering representing so we appreciate that yes thank you I mean what he s about the matchbooks right kind of had the same answer yeah probably have the same answers the first it it is i mean just beep look the best time to buy a macbook quite honestly is when they announced a new macbook whether it can find the earlier the new ones come out right yeah I'm sure they've been released yeah I mean his other question his other pointers questions like should I wait a couple years I think also whenever there's a completely new redesign especially a completely new feature like this OLED touch bar look in general it should be fine but we know what happens when you buy first gen stuff of anything specifically Apple they typically really fine tune it in the next generation if you're worried about that that's fine but I i I'd be I'm not gonna personally I'm not in the market for a laptop right now but I'd want one if I could yeah they do look if I was ready to buy one or mine was breaking down rose old and dingy i would i would definitely go for the new one so mine has so many dents and scrapes all over that's your fault I would love to get a nice because I dropped mine it's all right that's it man that's gonna do this show is gonna do it all right let's not wrap this up and just say thank you again to our sponsors marketers the age of the customer has arrived and sales force is with you for every step of your customers journey with your brand blaze trails across your entire business create one connected customer experience with Salesforce be smarter and more predictive with your marketing using an intelligent platform that integrates marketing with sales service and commerce by engaging your customers on any device and channel in real time learn more at salesforce com / apple pie ok ladies and gentleman boys and girls children of all ages just one or more wanted to remind you again call our show if you're a Montana and North Dakota would still take your call we still will if you want to call it again from Montana with another point we're gonna take your call and then if we start looking at a different region of the US or even the world and we're like they're not getting enough of love we need some calls from New Orleans you want to get some knowledge yeah I need some now I want some international calls yeah we got them rounded up in here man cool all kinds all kinds Ghana let's do it okay call its 1 800 61 62 63 8 we also want to tell you there are so many ways to find her show on iTunes on youtube on periscope on tune in our boys and tune in yes gotta represent where else pitcher pitcher oh my god cloud soundcloud Google Play oh my goodness we're everywhere so find us please go to the blog post actually and there's links to every where you can find us we also appreciate that you have made the show grow to what it is we're surprised we're just having a good time with you also thank you thank you thank you all right out of here we'll see you guys next week peace perfect boo-yeah boo-yeah
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