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New brain map developed using real patients and machine learning (Tomorrow Daily 396)

greetings citizens of the internet welcome to tomorrow daily sub s key talk show in the universe I'm Ashley sceva Jeff de nada is out doing another job for somebody else of which we feel very jealous but for now here's your headlines one of the best announcements out of Star Wars Celebration was not a trailer was not a sneak peek at anything it was a set of drones we've shown you fan-made Star Wars drones but these are official propel we'll be making these quad copters available for purchase this fall there are four different designs and X weighing a TIE fighter a 74 Z speeder bike with a stormtrooper on board and of course the Millennium Falcon they'll hit speeds of 40 to 50 miles per hour in the sky are hand-painted and even have little lasers on board to pew-pew your enemies propel says they also plan to add pre-programmed cuts to the in-app control so you can finally recreate your favorite space dogfight from the comfort of your backyard they'll cost between 200 and 300 bucks when they're released in the UK later this year and hopefully we will hear when they're headed to other countries soon especially my country because I want to buy one if you guys have any interest in the human brain which I hope you do because you all have one the human brain map is about to get a major upgrade since the early 1900s we've been using a map created by neurologist Corbin Ian Broadman to study the human brain soon this map will see a big update mostly due to the work of the human connect to me project which is an effort to update this important information through actual patient data and machine learning the team involved took 210 healthy adults and collected information about their brain structure and function then fed that data into an algorithm that was able to mark distinct regions of the brain this algorithm popped out 97 never before described regions of the brain adding to the 83 scientists already knew about from Brad mins original map future use of this new map includes studies of human evolution and giving more information to neurosurgeons and other doctors who treat the brain whether it's surgically or otherwise so that is your headlines for this week this is both exciting in scope but we can only pick one for Thursday's show and I feel like it has to be the new map of the human brain because really you guys it's our brains it's the most important thing that we have going on inside so I'm gonna say map of the human brain and Jeff and I will be discussing out on Thursday show if you want to get in on the discussion I want to choose the hashtag hey TD over on Twitter and we would love to feature your tweets on Thursday's show that is it for your headlines so let's check out our phone talker for the day our phone talker for the day today is Anthony who sent in this photo he snapped on his iPhone 6s plus he says this is my dog Alou in her usual resting position you have my permission to use these pics and he says these pics because he not only has this picture which he took with his iPhone he used Prisma to change it into a beautiful painting yeah that looks amazing I feel like I could see that in an art museum it's gorgeous and your dog ullu is adorable that is our photographer of the day if you guys want to do that our theme is pets we only have a few days left thing will extend it I don't know we got a big announcement about the show on Thursday so send your pictures to tomorrow at peanut calm and you got to include four things one permission to use your picture on the show two what device you took your picture with because it takes me wild look at your eggs if data and I'm lazy three tell me a story preferably giving me your pet's name inside said story and four make sure you tell us how to pronounce your name if there's any remote chance that we could mispronounce it because we would hate to do that that is it for today's show I will be back tomorrow I definitely back Thursday so I'll be here all week by myself I will be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird science facts made in science fiction but until then the vegan humans bye guys
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