Nic Cage joins H.P. Lovecraft movie | Stream Economy
Nic Cage joins H.P. Lovecraft movie | Stream Economy
welcome to stream economy where we steep
dive into movies TV shows and games
every week I bet you guys thought we
were gonna talk about Oscar nominations
this week but no your rock
instead we're gonna talk about a man who
should be Oscar nominated regardless of
the movie he's in even if it's bad and
that my friends is one mr. Nicolas Cage
this week we found out that Nicolas Cage
is set to star in an HP Lovecraft
short story that is being adapted into a
movie it's called the color out of space
and quite frankly we are here for that
but it's been a long weird road for
Nicolas Cage so we thought it would be
fun to break down where he's been where
he's at and where he's headed a kind of
look at his movie star stock if you will
so let's take a look now Nicolas Cage
had his initial public offering if you
will in a little movie from 1982 called
Fast Times at Ridgemont High he was
actually almost entirely cut from that
movie but kept truckin through the early
80s in movies like valley girl and Peggy
Sue got married his true breakout role
though came in 1987 in the super awesome
cult classic from the Coen brothers
raising Arizona who knew kidnapping a
baby could be so hilarious so now we've
gotten through initial public offering
Nicolas Cage and his movie star stock
has started to rise he gets a role in
moonstruck he has a couple of stumbles
with his next few roles vampires kiss in
which he is absolutely bonkers but the
movie was a flop and a David Lynch flick
called wild at heart that gets mixed
reviews stuff like that
so it's not going super great but then
in the early 90s he takes some more
family-friendly roles like honeymoon in
Vegas a Miss in Andrew and it could
happen to you doesn't exactly send his
stock going back up but it certainly
keeps it from going down but then he
plays screenwriter with a death wish Ben
Sanderson in 1995 leaving Las Vegas
which leads to a Best Actor win and he
gets an Oscar this is when his movie
star stock skyrockets and we get a
string of hits that I like to call Pete
cage 1996
the rock 97 Conair and Fey
soft 98 City of Angels and Snake Eyes 99
8 millimeter and in 2000 he does the
gone in 60 seconds remake he was even
going to play Superman during that crazy
winning streak but we all know how that
worked out and if you don't you should
definitely watch the documentary about
it now
we get into the early aughts and cage
finds himself kind of in a weird head
space in 2002 he gets nominated for an
Oscar for his role in adaptation but for
the next 15 years or so his career is
kind of all over the map so for every
national treasure you have a Bangkok
dangerous for every ghostwriter you have
a drive angry and for every kick-ass you
have that lieutenant port of call New
Orleans what even is that shit again
fool soul still dancing okay fine
even in some of the worst movies he's
still making interesting decisions as an
actor I will give you that Nic Cage so
then in 2016 2017 it's kind of
non-starters nothing really light
anybody's world on fire but then last
year hope springs eternal and Nicolas
Cage is in eight movies and two of them
were bonkers good he stars in the super
weird movie Mandy which you should
absolutely see if you haven't and then
he's in the excellent spider-man into
the spider verse as Spider noir he even
finally gets to play Superman in the
Teen Titans go movie it's a massive turn
back into the spotlight his stock prices
have gone up once again he has become
the literal human embodiment of a cult
classic so which brings us to 2019
what's next for Nicolas Cage and how
will it affect his movie star stock
prices well not only is the HP Lovecraft
movie produced by the same people who
did Mandy and it's being directed by
Richard effing Stanley so I'm sure it's
going to be completely insane but insane
in that it's an HP Lovecraft losing your
Cthulhu sort of way which is always a
good thing when you're talking about HP
okay so 2019 for Nicolas Cage he's got a
lot of movies coming out there a lot of
running with the devil he's got a score
to settle Grand Isle and then there is
the movie that interests me the most
prisoners of the ghost land this is what
Nic Cage had to say about that movie it
might be the wildest movie I've ever
made and that's saying something
go on it's out there I wear a skin-tight
black leather jumpsuit with grenades
attached to different body parts and if
I don't rescue the governor's daughter
from this state line where they're all
ghosts and bring her back they're gonna
blow me up it's crazy it's way out there
Wow super sold I cannot wait to see that
movie honestly I think that we are
entering a new era of wonderful Nicolas
Cage movies a golden cage if you will
now if you're wondering about where
Nicolas Cage's stock prices are going I
say they are headed up up up you should
get in on this boat if you haven't been
Nicolas Cage stand before it's time
it's time enjoy the Renaissance alright
oh sterols
KJ I okay here we go
there's no flake some perfect stars the
story books
I don't know I want you they come
upstairs me and get a beer me lastly sex
the example by fuck and funny 22,000
people it's kind of funny
so YouTube check it me me how many me my
zoo sees but all the jogger yourself
I've gone I kind of for myself you know
whereas ba D by B ad cause I turn
direction uh all nor the bees
ah what a mice mice ah
thanks so much for watching everybody
drop your favourite Nicolas Cage quote
down in the comments even if it's just
indiscernible yelling and if you want to
watch previous episodes the stream
economy click right over here bar maybe
some other content you might be
interested in right over here we'll see
you guys next Saturday biggest dreamers
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