Nintendo's E3 2018 press conference highlights in 9 minutes
Nintendo's E3 2018 press conference highlights in 9 minutes
okay alright gotta change it up though
we need some angles are you guys ready
all right ready yeah
Wow he said do I want Remus
three two one
I'm Masahiro Sakurai from Sora limited
today I'd like to introduce you to the
new Super Smash Brothers game for the
Nintendo switch as you may know Super
Smash Brothers is an action game about
smashing beloved game characters off the
screen many fighters have appeared in
this series I'm sure you're all eager to
find out who will be joining the roster
this time so we made a video to showcase
some fighters appearing in the game the
number next to each fighter signifies
the order in which they joined the Super
Smash Brothers series please take a look
that's right every fighter in Super
Smash Brothers history is joining the
battle indeed absolutely every Super
Smash Brothers fighter ever is in this
game whether they were originally DLC or
only appeared once in the past we
believe that's what players want so we
made the impossible possible any way you
slice it this one has the most smash for
your buck
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