and there's Nintendo Direct over the
weekend mr. hodda unveiled what you'll
know as miiverse it's how you interact
with your gaming friends and this is the
first thing you'll see on your TV screen
when you turn on the system you might
think of it as Main Street a place where
people congregate creating constant
commotion your own Mii is joined by
others who play on your home system here
two are your game friends as well as
people you've already met from around
the world and also many newcomers you'll
also notice that those Me's are
gathering around individual tiles you
might think of them as billboards on
that Main Street they represent both
your personal tastes and the
entertainment that's trending globally
on Wii U and those knees don't just
congregate they communicate each is
equipped with a wide range of rich media
engagement for socializing and providing
information the first comes in the form
of speech bubbles you can see or send
simple text messages or you can use the
stylus to write your own words and even
draw your own illustrations a lot like
Swapnote you can even share a screen
image from the game you're currently
playing these interactions can also
display recent activity and recent
scores you've even got the option to
display facial expressions within the
bubble that reflects your current state
of mind and because this form of
interaction is browser-based while this
may not be available right on launch day
you'll eventually be able to join me
verse from your Nintendo 3ds your PC or
from any smartphone or web enabled
mobile device
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