Nintendo's SNES Classic Edition: Unboxing the retro gaming console
Nintendo's SNES Classic Edition: Unboxing the retro gaming console
hey everyone what's going on my name is
Jeff Bakalar and look what I have I have
the Super Nintendo classic mini edition
it's very small and I desperately want
to open it up so let's go and do it okay
just your standard literature from
Nintendo and company thank you very much
for that we appreciate all you have to
say looks like we got a power supply
that's important okay let's just first
let's just first take this in and
remember back to better times this feels
just the way you want it to just the way
you remember and you know what everybody
I think I think we've got longer
controller wires hold on hold on oh you
always go the wrong way first don't you
you just always do there you have it
we're looking we're looking at like 6
feet or something
well done Nintendo you'll listen to
customer feedback and that's why I love
you alright carbon copy right here
another controller that's very generous
two controllers in the box okay and we
also have a USB for charging and power
for power
I can't charge this thing and an HDMI
cable because we need that hook it up to
your TV
alright and let's finally get a look at
the adorn oh my god is this cute Super
Nintendo classic it is so adorably small
I just want to take it home and give it
a little kiss and tuck it to bed look at
that really really nice the the
cartridge slot doesn't push in but
that's fine because this can use
cartridges it's just a piece of plastic
you're looking here on the back you've
got HDMI you've got a
USB power supply port and that's about
let's each eject button doesn't work
either but that's okay the power just
like you remember if you're old enough
on and off and then we've got that reset
button that spring key reset button so
I'm going see here we are
alright so a plum this is okay that's
not the best but there you have it
that's how the controllers pop in just a
little little pull down flap there it's
connected by a piece of rubber I don't I
don't know that's okay I guess not ideal
but this is how it's gonna look for you
when you're using it okay that's fine I
can deal with that but there you have
it's that same inner it's that same
interface as the NES classic and the Wii
and Wii U interface port so my money's
on you'll be able to use some legacy
controllers with this thing - and there
you have it the palm-sized Super NES
classic it's here it's coming out
September 29th it's $80 Nintendo says
they're making more of them do you
believe them I want to I really do and I
hope they do because a lot of people
want this thing all the pre-orders are
gone so hopefully they made good on what
they've said and they made enough for
everyone who wants one of these to buy
one let's look at it side-by-side with
the controller controller is pretty much
the same size as the console itself this
is great you've got a bunch of games
pre-loaded on it in addition to Star Fox
2 which never came out here in the US so
that's pretty awesome alright so there
you have it September 29th $80 the Super
NES classic I'm gonna give this a full
review and have that for you in a few
days until then thank you so much for
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