hey there this is Sean Hollister with
CNET and I'm pretty pissed I just spent
the entire morning trying to get the
SNES classic edition the itsy-bitsy $80
Nintendo console it's going to be one of
the hot items this holiday season it was
not particularly easy because like many
of you I found out this morning it had
already gone on sale on Amazon and Best
Buy overnight I didn't get any
notifications in my inbox even though
I'd signed up for those there was
nothing to tell me that Amazon was gonna
throw this thing alive at 3 a.m. or Best
Buy around 10:00 p.m. last night so I
missed that on those sales and I figured
maybe this morning it'll be a little bit
better this morning I heard intento was
going to have it on sale again possibly
at Best Buy possibly up to gamestop and
so I did a little bit of digging and
found out that indeed Game Stop was
going to have it at 10:00 a.m. Pacific
this morning so I got ready and I wrote
up a post to tell our reader is all
about the SNES classic and 10:00 a.m.
rolls around and nothing it's not there
on gamestop site I emailed the PR rep
back and find out it's only going to be
in store you have to physically go to a
Game Stop store line up and see if you
can get one of these things and just
then Walmart starts their pre-orders so
I click on the Walmart link and like
okay is it really there a refresh link
and it's already gone walmart sells out
in less than 2 minutes ok what am I
gonna do about that I'm not sure so I
take a look over at at Target its target
pops up its pre-order page and I'm I'm
in there I'm trying to get my order in
some other Sunnah editors are too it's
in my cart I think I'm gonna get it all
of a sudden it throws an error message I
can't get my SNES Classic there either
it tells me what does it tell me let's
take a look again my phone o tells me
sorry something went wrong please try
again due to a temporary issue you can't
change your delivery method right now I
didn't really want to change my delivery
method but there you go it gets pulled
right out of my cart and all of a sudden
it's gone it sold out at Target - what
am I gonna do I run down to a physical
Game Stop store I figure ok if they say
you got to go there in person to get the
pre-orders you got to go there in person
so I'm
third in line at this gamestop store
waiting in this long line trying to get
the console
turns out they I'm there you know I'm
there sitting in line for maybe 45
minutes the sun's beating down on May
its first world problems I know but you
know it's kind of annoying to have to
sit there in line for this thing I
thought I was gonna get on line I'm
waiting there the Sun beating down and
the line starts moving very slowly
because it hadn't even started moving
when I get there because they don't have
their cash registers up and running with
the allocations of the unit's their
computers haven't been authorized to let
people have it so I'm sitting in line
waiting for the line to start moving
finally starts moving very slowly 45
minutes later about three places behind
the front of the line all of a sudden
they're out of units two turns out this
game stop the San Francisco flagship
game stop store only gone 36 units and I
was 43rd in line so I'm not getting one
of those so I sit outside a little bit
I'm doing my duty as a journalist I
talked to a person coming out who's did
get one of the units and she is ecstatic
about getting the unit but even she's
not too happy about the situation she
talks about how how big a cluster I'm
not going to say the whole red have a
good cluster this whole situation was
that Nintendo didn't make enough of
these the retailers weren't prepared the
web sites were down while I'm sitting
there the GameStop app people say oh you
can get one through the GameStop app so
I pull up the GameStop app and sure
enough the units are there the bundles
are there but you can't edit any of them
the cart the app doesn't work um here's
the item in the in the end the app it
says it's unable to look up the product
what am I gonna do about that so I try
the website game stops website is down I
give up I'm walking back from Game Stop
back to the office I figure him to do
some real work now and on the way back I
get I see a tweet from Wario 64 who
follows these things very closely he
says hey they rep the thinking so I take
a look at thinking and sure enough think
ik has some of these bundles but they
are not cheap they rule the minimum they
want for one of these bundles is 140
dollars and I'm not gonna pay a hundred
and forty dollars for an eighty dollar
product particularly when when these
bundles here are sold by GameStop's
company thinking think cake is owned by
gamestop they're basically scalping
their own customers here in order to
expand in order to get them you to buy
of bundles with things you don't really
need that are made by gamestop made by
thinking in their own line of products
you can get a cool little Zelda shield
or something like that or they've got
out like a Megaman Buster arm which I
guess is cool but I don't want those
things I might already have those things
I just wanted to get one of these
consoles and game stuff is making me pay
extra to get one so I don't buy one of
those either just as I'm getting back to
work and getting back to see net
headquarters I hear that the game stop
site is finally up this is 12 130 now I
quickly to help cool myself down
turns out we still right now can't get
into the game stop site still can't get
these pre-orders taken care of all of
these retailers push this thing live
randomly like you had to you had to be
refreshing these pages non-stop to
figure out if you're gonna be able to
get one of these because they didn't
give anybody any warning that this was
going to happen you just had to be there
at the right moment at the right time in
order to hit f5 and keep refreshing
until you finally get one of these
things and that really it really pisses
me off and I can't really understand I
still don't understand to this day why
Nintendo would do this they haven't
learned any lessons from the NES classic
when they had the same issue last year
limited amount of stuff a lot of people
wanted it only folks who are really
quick on the trigger online or scalpers
who can spend all day looking at this or
we're using you know bots that scrape
these sites and try to figure out how to
enter in that payment information those
are the only kind of folks who get these
a Nintendo's typical that's not really
Nintendo's typical fan intends typical
fan they you know they sell to families
they want they want young kids who you
know I haven't experienced these games
parents can buy these classic consoles
and share these games with their kids
that's not really happening here unless
those parents cough up a lot of cash on
eBay or super savvy and if a tech editor
like me can't get one of these units how
doesn't intend to expect any of those
folks to do it well last year after the
NES classics sold out so abruptly at all
these places Nintendo abruptly
discontinued the entire system and I
wonder if that didn't make any sense
then I wonder if there's what's
happening here with this system the SNES
classic and the NES classic before that
is maybe Nintendo is just trying to get
a blister
maybe they are just trying to say look
at all these fans that rabbit for a
Nintendo nostalgia these Nintendo
products and get that to translate
somehow in the game of telephone to
Nintendo is great and maybe people go
out and they buy the new Nintendo switch
instead of these you know classic
consoles but that means a lot of people
miss out on these classic games because
there's no way to find those on the
switch either a lot of these games
aren't and there aren't easy to buy on
on a new Nintendo console and in fact
one of them starfox to which I was
really looking forward to playing
there's an SNES game that was never been
released before there's no other way to
play this scammed a Nintendo hasn't said
they're gonna bring to any other systems
so they're that they get this publicity
for being you know amazing to coming out
with this game that people never got to
try before coming up with this cute mini
console where you get all these games
for a great value but who actually gets
to try that very few people now we're
hearing that there will be some more
stock of the console in stores at launch
on September 29th maybe you can go to
your local gamestop or Target or best
Fire Walmart etc and get one of these
things but in the meantime it's leaving
a really bad taste in my mouth and in
some of the other people who were trying
to get these consoles today I just
wonder how many people don't even know
that this device went on sale today they
were waiting you know they've probably
been hotly anticipating this ever since
it came out and unless they checked news
unless they checked their you know their
tech side like see net in the last 8 to
12 hours they don't even know that this
happened and they're gonna come in
they're gonna say oh I missed out
it's too late for me and I wonder if
overall that helps or hurts Nintendo
certainly doesn't help me personally so
that's that's mine for today on the SNES
classic snafu and will bring you more
about it on CNET com
thanks for tuning in
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