No more Nexus? Google's phone may get a new name (CNET Update)
No more Nexus? Google's phone may get a new name (CNET Update)
hey Ashley hey how's the baby
good maternity leave is great great egg
backup date I think so I mean I didn't
mix much over the summer right you
missed a lot we gotta get you back in
come on LinkedIn Microsoft come on Yahoo
Verizon cool own calm Walmart come
on Sarah knows how are you gonna be the
very best when all you're catching is
kgs Pidgey Pidgey Pidgey Pidgey Pidgey
Pidgey cha I've been away too long
anymore like so losing followers put
your snapchat into your Instagram
stories okay there you go now you're
gettin it okay Ford's it you're ready
it's time all right big flash Lee
here we go
is the end near for Nexus phones Google
may no longer make phones under the
Nexus branding at least that's according
to a report from the website Android
Central sources told the blog that
Google wants to put more of a focus on
Google branding and move away from the
Nexus name also the Android interface
may even come with some extra software
instead of the usual pure no fluff
Android experience free of bloatware
this isn't the first time we've heard
reports of Google changing up its phone
plants earlier this summer The Guardian
reported that Google is making its own
branded phone to be released by the end
of the year if it's not called Nexus
what could it be called the Google phone
the G we'll have to wait and see
meanwhile the parent company alphabet is
also shaking things up in the smart home
world by taking some nest developers and
moving them into Google that's according
to a report from fortune nest labs makes
internet-connected thermostats and smoke
detectors and it sits under the alphabet
umbrella as you may recall when Google
purchased nest in 2014 the company
promised that nest would remain
independent but now hmm the report says
Google is absorbing some nest software
engineers to work on Google home which
is Google's competitor to the Amazon
echo that's it for this tech news update
and a big thanks to all of your lovely
messages while I was out on maternity
leave support from fans like you makes
it easier to come back I'm Bridget Carey
you can stay on top of the biggest
stories at cnet-dot-com-slash-loaded
nope wait yeah
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