hi I'm Ken Sherman senior managing
editor at seen it and here at Mobile
World Congress 2012 in Barcelona want to
show you the Nokia 808 PureView this is
a pretty exciting phone because you know
why it has a 41 megapixel camera yes I
said 41 megapixels you're probably the
jobs might be dropping to that a little
bit now don't blame you because you know
we've seen a pic so we've seen 10 we've
gone up from mad but this is a high-end
camera now it's not a windows phone
that's pretty interesting it's actually
runs on symbian but hopefully we'll come
get it windows from like this soon the
body is pretty a little smaller actually
across the front than I thought it would
be it is quite thick though you have
this big bump on the back that's where
the camera lens is so you see there's 41
megapixels about ecology lens it's got
that big flash there's a lot of media
integration with this phone yes pretty
good sound quality external buttons are
few there's just this big bar down here
from getting you the menu main-menu of
course very symbian looks a little like
the nokia 900 you remember that you just
scroll through things of course all
usual smartphone features are going to
be here outside is stupid plasticky
material it feels I don't know it
doesn't exactly feel completely solid so
I would be afraid of throwing this phone
but it does have a comfortable feeling
in the hand though but this is a 41
megapixel cameras or a huge deal
especially for especially for a small
phone like this still probably not going
to replace that they DSLR because it's
not going to have an optical zoom or
anything like that but till I am camera
phone I'm Ken Sherman and this is the
Nokia 808 PureView
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