Nvidia's CES 2019 press conference reveals RTX 2060 pricing, release date
Nvidia's CES 2019 press conference reveals RTX 2060 pricing, release date
a brand new GPU this brand new GPU
ladies and gentlemen I would like to
introduce it to you ladies and gentlemen
the r-tx 2060 the r-tx 2060 the
RTX 2060 it is here so the r-tx 2060
RTA's 2060 52 teraflops of tensor core
processing 5 gig arrays per second 6
gigabyte frame buffer g 6 the fastest
memories in the world now let's take a
look at the performance what you were
looking at if RT x was off the frame
rate would be about 60 frames per second
a really fantastic experience really
fantastic experience battlefield 5 1440p
2 megapixels on a 2060
over 60 frames per second now when you
turn on ray tracing this is what happens
and for many for many for many they were
somewhat disappointed by that even
though it was so much more beautiful
even though it was so much more
beautiful and so as you know we've been
thinking about this for quite some time
and we know that ray-tracing is
computationally intensive and it's going
to continue to be computationally
intensive and that's the reason why we
added the right proportioning between
ray tracing cores RT cores and tensor
course so that we could apply DL SS to
this and as a result of one of the one
of the the leading developers in the
world saw the work and they were so
excited by it they're going to adopt it
for an upcoming title one of the most
anticipated titles and I can't wait to
see it it's a title called anthem
technology has always helped us unleash
our creative potential by giving players
more immersive experiences than ever
mean anthem head out into a chaotic and
beautiful world fly across wondrous
lands in your javelin exosuits
confront deadly creatures formidable
foes and inspiring mysteries
NVIDIA takes us one step further by
rendering our game with more precision
and higher quality textures javelins
creatures and combat have never looked
better we are happy to announce that we
are working with Nvidia to bring DLS s
technology to anthem
check out anthem on PC with origin
access premiere on February 15 that's
amazing guys
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