hey everyone I'm Jessica's all squirt
from CNN here at CES 2014 which is very
quickly becoming the show about
wearables I'm wearing on my face a pair
of Korra s a are I where I know that
sounds like a bit of a vowel you tongue
twister but these glasses unlike Google
glass are really focused on augmented
reality so does a lot of the same things
that Google glass will do notifications
directions there's actually Android
built-in runs independently so when they
release the SDK to developers a lot of
different apps will be able to work with
this you can do a lot of different
augmented reality however is really
where this thing will shine now you've
got here a pivot of a screen that's kind
of neat because it means that you can
either look at the head-up display which
is in the center of the lens either
below a little bit so you're looking
down and it's peripheral or you can flip
it up so it's right in the center of
your eye this is a 25 degree display to
my eye if I'm looking at it looks like
it takes up about two inches so it is a
little bit bigger than Google glass
during the demo I saw a lot of
information projected on the screen you
can see anything you can see it
erections you know also see augmented
reality browsers for example it's gonna
launch with the Wikitude browser this is
a mock-up device that I'm wearing but
the final version will come with a
camera that can also shoot video that'll
be 5 megapixels
now there will be a touchpad just like
Google glass so you can use your finger
and all sorts of gestures to navigate
though there is a dual-core processor in
here and
hundred milliamp hour battery it's also
all the usual Bluetooth connections
compass sensor accelerometer and the
gyroscope those pair of glasses is
really blocking on my face the final
version will be much slimmer but it's
still not fashion accessory glassware
this is something right now for
developers and for people who are
interested in the AR capabilities
developers can get their hands on the
aura s in March for about nine hundred
fifty dollars I will include the SDK
consumers who are interested should see
it show up around q3 for probably about
three hundred and fifty dollars I'm
Jessica ball court for C net here at CES
can cut all of our coverage at cnet.com
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