I really love the road rash road rash
like three you could like take a chain
and just whip it around and knock
someone up a bike
and I get so into it like like I mean if
I ever said dare malala's play road rash
oh I got banned from playing that the
rest that I could clearly I was getting
way too into it mom was like chill out
it's just a game man if you only knew
what kind of gangs would come after that
I got an NES actually had to sneak the
NES my dad forbid me from buying it so I
bought one anyway and like he would come
home from work so like four or something
so right after school like I would play
it my sister would play it and we'd get
in there and and hook up the Nintendo
and then like right before he came home
we would like go hide it again yes well
I had a job I was like paper route or
whatever really want to play video games
but he was like hardcore against it so
he was definitely mad I think got
grounded for the deception my brother my
older brother had a Sega Genesis and I
was obsessed with Mortal Kombat and I
was so stoked that he left me his Sega
Genesis when he went to college I open
the box that I knew was the Sega Genesis
and he wrapped it for my birthday and
there was all of the games except Mortal
Kombat music mom maybe I gave it to one
of my friends I was like no and I was
just devastated my first console was the
Sears video arcade - now what this was
was a licensed by Sears but it's
basically a charge 2600 I remember my
first video game console was called the
Intellivision I don't know if anyone
knows what a Intellivision is but the
only game we had on there was
the first video game I played at home
was on my very very first computer the
the RadioShack Tandy trs-80 color
computer also known as the trash eighty
and that was a game called dungeons of
dagger app which is probably featured in
the novel ready player one my first game
was Sonic the Hedgehog this guy so cool
the thing about the game back then there
was no saving like once you died you had
to start from the beginning I remember
one night we still couldn't figure it
out but we we didn't want to give up so
we would pause it turn the TV off
because you don't want you know the
image to burn into the TV screen we go
out to dinner at like a Chili's or
and then come back I think all right now
really how are we gonna beat this my
first video game was Sonic the Hedgehog
for the Genesis purchased accidentally
by an uncle who thought it was a
computer game at the same time that my
parents got me a Genesis not knowing
that it didn't come with games so it was
a very convenient Christmas first video
game I guess the first video game I
remember was a console Odyssey - by
Magnavox do you remember that oh yeah
at a gun fight game is these two Cowboys
with cactus in the middle
every time you fired up the at the
cactus because the cactus would actually
ricochet the bullets back it made the
most annoying sound of like
that's actually more recent than because
remember back then you didn't beat games
there's no beating games there games
didn't end they just went on and on and
on you could flip a game in our cave
yeah remember you'd get to a certain
score and donkey on the board just like
we can't put any more numbers on the
street so he's gonna crash or whatever
or just flip to go back to the same the
first level but it's harder or something
like that I feel like one of the first
games I really beat it was portal I
remember I had a cold I was like out
sick from work with a cold so I was
really into it they're like crumpled up
tissues everywhere it's like I'm gonna
beat this game couldn't breathe but I'm
like it's gonna happen yeah that was a
good memory too
somebody got me to play max payne on pc
when i was in middle school and there
was story there and these people
actually looked like people so yeah i
played that game all the way through
several times legend is out a ocarina of
time i never beat it i got stuck in java
java spell ii which isn't even that far
into the game but i seriously was stuck
in it for like weeks and i would get so
mad and I've got crying and then I I
just never got out of it like it kind of
turned me off the video games in general
cuz I was just so bad at them banjo
kazooie my brother and I had a saved a
save game that was kind of conjoined so
we were just trade off the controller I
accidentally deleted the save game after
about a year of playing the game and I
hit the cartridge and what feigns
complete like innocence I was like I
don't know I don't know where the car
just went about eight years later he
found the cartridge and got Superman
Golden Eye for Nintendo 64 which I
played in college a lot and I never I
mean we've mostly played multiplayer or
we were playing each other but there was
also the regular version where you can
play different levels and I could never
remember there was a certain level that
I could never actually get past its of
this day actually that does
it might have been contra with the with
the Konami code with the thirty or
thirty lives because it's very hard to
do it without that code and once you did
that I think my brother and I played
through contra he calls me once a week
and he said came in at 10:00 we beat
contra we thought about it I think toe
jam and earl has my heart because of how
cool and funky it is and how wacky these
two guys used to aliens from the planet
funkotron crash onto planet Earth it's
totally a bummer but you have to go
collect the pieces of their ship while
avoiding crazy earthlings and so it was
just so weird and so creative and
artistic that it I I could still pick it
up and play for hours
Skyrim my all-time favorite game is
Skyrim I will say that again my all-time
favorite game is Skyrim I'm still
playing it on the switch by the way that
was my my entire reason for buying a
Nintendo switch my favorite video game
of all time is the arcade version of
Virtua Fighter 2 was so deep like
there's every character Sony moves you
know I would always always tell people
so they were still respecting the Royals
like it's like a chess game like chess
match oh wait there's skill in that game
I didn't think there was skill Meghan I
just felt like it was just skill and
virtue later I can believe you said that
seriously the whole point is that there
was so much skill involved you had to
like train Ivan by the train train but
when it finally came out in the side oh
no I got it I remember I would just play
the hell out of it and then I went to my
friend's house I was going through every
character and beat him with every
different character because I was that
good although I sucked compared to real
good players but the guys who do more
training the guys my all-time favorite
console is the Dreamcast which was
short-lived but I had tons of games on
that I we should play Crazy Taxi Virtua
there was a surfer game that I used to
play all the time I first got into NBA
2k series on Dreamcast and all of a
sudden they just stopped making him yeah
it was my favorite
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