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Our final Avengers: Infinity War predictions and Double Dare returns | Stream Economy #1

welcome to stream economy it's our very first episode I'm Ashley together and your time is money you don't have enough time to play everything binge everything watch everything but that's what I'm here for every week we're gonna go through the news in Hollywood and I'm gonna tell you whether you should fire sell investments in your pop culture properties let's start off with the biggest pop culture property happening right now that's right everybody Avengers infinity war is coming out this weekend there is no question Avengers infinity war is going to make a ridiculous amount of money analysts are saying it could blow past two hundred and twenty million dollars at the box office but the real question is who's gonna get murdered in Avengers infinity war and that's why I created this beautiful board that definitely doesn't look like a conspiracy theorist to figure out who's gonna die okay so let's start with Loki this guy all the time betrays people I mean he probably betrays the little old lady at the checkout stand behind him at the grocery store he sucks and at the end of the day he's probably gonna make Fanus really mad so I'm gonna say sorry Hiddleston it's time for you to go on top of that some speculation has maybe suggested that Thor might be on his way out but I think he had such a great time filming thor ragnarok that he is going to be in for another thor movie so I think we can safely say that he'll still be around also he's beautiful alright let's talk about vision because really guys if anyone is out there hoping that vision is gonna survive this you may want to not hold your breath because he has an infinity stone in his forehead I don't see him surviving this one because obviously if Thanos has to fill the Infinity Gauntlet with the stones all right final two questions is it going to be cap or is it going to be Tony Stark Iron Man the real question for these two is who can replace them now with Tony Stark we just had Black Panther come out and my girl Cherie Teenage total genius who is smarter than Tony and banner probably combined and has all that wonderful what Condon technology is a really great replacement for Tony Stark not gonna lie as for cap if you've read the comics you know I have Bucky with the good hair down here but at the end of the day I like to think that he's actually maybe a little bit irreplaceable and so I'm gonna say at this point our DJ is almost as rich as Marvel itself so I'm gonna go ahead and say that it's gonna be easiest for him to retire sorry Tony Stark I love you baby but you're getting an ex I think he's gonna be the one to bite it in Avengers infinity war but win lose or draw whoever eats it in the movie it's obviously a Buy so everybody get in go see that movie it's gonna be the thing everyone is talking about and also again avoid those spoilers you guys I have been desperately avoiding them a speaking of Avengers infinity war spider-man is going to have the iron suit in the insomniac game insomniac announced it would be including the iron Spidey suit that we are gonna see an Avengers infinity war in it's game later this year this suit looks dope it looks so good that it makes me want to sing spider-man spider-man I'm a massive Spidey Stan he's got suits check them out I love mum let's all shout look out it's your neighborhood spider-man that was terrible but you know what really makes me angry the fact that you have to preorder this game to get that suit I am NOT about pre-orders insomniac and I don't know what you're playing out here I am gonna buy your game I am gonna buy your game but I'm also going to sell off that pre-order don't pre-order games everybody it's a trick I hate that I hate pre-ordering games it's the worst thing in the world to me but at the end of the day that suit does look pretty cool so if you want a perder I guess but I still recommend no pre-orders no pre-orders all right in happier news that's right Nickelodeon ordered 40 new episodes of double dare and it's going to be coming to your TV sets this summer that is really exciting stuff and Nick is promising all of the same great challenges like that sweet nose-picking challenge that you remember from the 90s there's no word yet on whether or not classic host mark summers will return to reprise his role but at the end of the day I think it would be really nice if Nickelodeon found a cameo spot for him at some point during the run if they are looking for a full-time host though I have a suggestion that I think Nickelodeon will be very happy with and that is of course me oh my god I congratulations you have made it to the next part of this show oh okay our senior recap correspondent mark Searles did a review of season 2 episode 1 and Westworld check it out oh I just woke up because I fell asleep watching West my old man west wall was back who kills it's so bored like the robot monologues I can't handle dogs I'm a robot I thought no if I'm a robot what's real we don't know what's real who cares I can t watch it I fell asleep and then like 15 minutes and my wife was like wake up wake up those boobies on boobies why didn't you tell me it was going to be Bobby's unless sure I love movies or boobies I'm suckin naked women and red shows in Italian Allah it's too much naked women why bother boobies boobies boobies are brilliant I love boobies the main book men's bogeys on the tail in a bit as far as I'm concerned saw my set everything else from rubbish except for the boobies more bobbies please we're spoiled thanks we're here in Anaheim California at WonderCon and I thought it'd be fun to quiz attendees on whether their favorite characters in movies and TV are robots or aliens are you ready yes okay Beldar alien oh yes right Beldar conehead good good good how about the doctor he's an alien it burns it the she now Edward Scissorhands Scissorhands he's a robot Vincent Price builds him how about a Gort oh yeah oh I'm sorry no it's a robot we're gonna do comic books you ready for a comic book one there we go Jon Jones Oh alien Martian Manhunter nice good actually you know what no that's that's an unfair advantage never mind how about tars oh my gosh alien oh that's a robot for interstellar interstellar tars sorrow blast alright I'm gonna throw two really hard ones out you are you ready other words I've been easy these are the Challenger out all right gipsy danger robot let's go with one more how about data he is not a robot he's an Android oh that was the trick question you totally got it finding all those fake geeks here at WonderCon 2018 exactly your your booth is canceled oh my god you guys getting hit in the face of the pie is totally amazing I hope my makeup looks okay that is it for us here at stream economy thanks again to Brian Marino who came in and hit me in the face of the pie you can find him on twitter at be underscore rui thank you again to you the viewer for watching our very first episode we appreciate you we love you and next week we're gonna be celebrating Star Wars day you don't want to miss that you can find me on twitter @ashleyesqueda hash tag stream economy if you're on youtube like comment subscribe you know the drill ring the bell because that's the best gift you could give that's it for everybody here at stream economy until next time guys vegans dreamers bye
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