Pandora gets a new weapon to fight Spotify (The 3:59, Ep. 462)
Pandora gets a new weapon to fight Spotify (The 3:59, Ep. 462)
welcome to the 359 I'm Ben Fox Ruben I'm
Joni Salzmann satellite radio service
Sirius XM agreed to buy Pandora no not
the jewelry boutique for 3.5 billion
dollars today a move that should help
Pandora fend off Spotify so Joan how do
you expect this to change music
streaming or if it will in any way well
what we've seen happen as streaming
music has become sort of the de-facto
way that people listen to music now some
companies have clearly sprinted into the
lead and those are I'm sorry they that's
Spotify and that's Apple music Pandora
was the biggest reggae music service for
a long time that streaming music existed
but as these other companies have been
able to come out with more flexible ways
of listening to music pandora has been
struggling to keep its listeners and
keep growing so a combination like this
could be a shot in the arm for Pandora
to start competing against these rivals
in places where nobody really has a lead
yet and that's in the car so if I'm
Apple music or our fun Spotify should I
be worried at all like is this at all an
issue for them or are they so much
bigger and more relevant than Pandora
that you know their Pandora
kind of still is an also-ran despite
this deal I don't think that either of
the service either of those services
should count out Pandora in any respect
and I certainly don't think that they
should count them out if they a Pandora
no longer really has to worry as much
about funding itself it doesn't have to
worry about its own stock price anymore
doesn't have to worry about hitting
growth metrics anymore that was always a
pain point for Pandora being publicly
traded all out there on its own company
so it would be foolish for them to count
out a company that has so much data
about music and what people like to
listen to getting more technology
getting an entry point into the car and
getting this body of of millions of
subscribers that are already paying a
lot more than people pay for streaming
music to get serious so we were talking
about this ahead of the show one of the
interesting ideas and I'm not
actually sure if this is technologically
possible yet but maybe this is something
that serious is hoping to do eventually
is taking Pandora's streams or like some
sort of like on-demand service from
Pandora and then streaming into your car
using satellites is that like a thing is
that what they're hoping to do so I
don't know about satellites am i right
now or possible I thought them an email
asking just that question to see if they
could let me know if it's possible for
Sirius to beam algorithmic or
personalized stream of music to each
account folder in a car yeah don't know
but it would be interesting if they
could well try to follow up with that if
we do get an answer next up
I mean Amazon threw a bunch of spaghetti
at the wall last week releasing over a
dozen new devices including a wall clock
a microwave and many new echo devices I
was there it was kind of intense John do
you have any do you have any questions
is there anything you'd like that you're
dying to know about this assault of
devices like throwing them everybody are
beaming them at your head it's very
aggressive which one I mean which one of
them do you think is really the most
interesting for Amazon to be going into
as a company ok probably the one that
everybody should be paying attention to
is the new echo dot because despite the
fact that Amazon comes out with all
these different devices the one that's
by far the biggest seller is the echo
dot so that's the smell like hockey puck
yeah and it's like 50 dollars it goes on
sale for like $30 a lot of the time and
that's what's really convinced a lot of
people to do a lot more with their voice
assistance put them into their homes all
that other stuff so the fact that they
refresh the echo dot is the most
interesting the thing that I was like
repeatedly complaining to the Alexa
executives about and they were like
bending over backwards trying to
convince me like no no this is actually
really cool was the wall clock and by
the time I was done with like I was like
maybe the wall clock is kind of cool I
don't know like so I might be forced to
like buy it I'm not sure but we'll we'll
find out last I did want to get to this
Google is celebrating its 10th
anniversary of Android we've got a bunch
of stories about the milestone on CNET
so please check them out on
Ben Fox Rubin I'm Johnny salesman thanks
for listening
this is still in you know when we come
back on the ominous music Oh random so I
don't really have a lot of control
really I like election but like the
order is completely out of my control
this breaks my illusion this shatters my
illusion that you are the controller of
all things podcast then reason within
reason even even Brian is not evident
yes so as always let's go ahead and jump
into the chat and take your questions
and comments about today's top stories
of course everybody's chiming in with
what their favorite music services
please you need to do that I myself
subscribe to Spotify and I'm an avid
user and beta tester when it first came
out for Google Play Music Ben and Joan
here's a good question
and I'm just kind of extrapolating this
from other comments that have kind of
come together what how would have this
has change course if somebody else had
purchased Pandora where would this event
if maybe Spotify bottom out or tidal
bottom out yeah that have really kind of
changed things up
well definitely that depends on who it
would be so if Spotify bought Pandora I
would be shocked because Pandora's
greatest asset is the fact that it has
all this data over a deck like since
people have had smartphones pretty much
the main way they've stream music is via
Pandora and so pandora has tons of
listening data and also what they call
their Music Genome Project and that's
where humans that are experts in every
genre of music tagged every piece of
music that's available on Pandora for
certain attributes like and it depends
on the genre like if it's fastly pop or
slow and it's it's a very complicated
process but that's how they do their
algorithms and they deliver music that's
tailored towards your tastes it'd be
really interesting because modify is
already pretty good at that and so they
really would be I don't know what they
would be buying Pandora for other than
that technology and Spotify seems to be
doing pretty good on that on its own but
that's just one possibility
you know if title that was another one
that came out
bought Pandora that would be really
interesting because title where would
the money have come from title has no
money has no money also doesn't have a
whole lot of subscribers so yeah so
maybe that's that one was just like so
going back coming back to what you were
talking about was Spotify that they're
also really good at this do they have
like their own version of The Music
Genome Project they like do they talk it
up as much as Pandora does because I
remember this was ages ago this was like
more than five years ago this was like
the big selling point about Pandora and
that's what a lot of news stories were
about we were like check out this cool
thing the Pandora is doing where they're
somehow able to connect like a bluegrass
song and a rap song because so many
different people like yeah listen to
these two around the same time or
something so is that something that like
Spotify just figured out how to do
independently they've just done it in a
different way so Pandora started out
with this idea that music experts would
identify specific attributes of songs
and then they would use the data of
listening not just to like correlate if
you like this song and you like this
song then someone who likes song a will
also probably like song B you know
that's basically kind of the Jenna
that's the underlying process that
Spotify does it's mostly all based on
relationships between different types of
listeners to music and comparing and
contrasting and seeing where things fit
so you're what you're saying is since my
friends have terrible taste I'm screwed
no it's it's because people who have
similar tastes to you also listen to
things that you might like yeah so not
necessarily your friends at all right
that's the underlying power of Spotify
as platform in addition to the fact they
have you know like rap caviar is a
curated plateless that they have that's
something where where data definitely
underlies how the curators of that list
put it together they're able to identify
breaking artists quicker because Spotify
has the data that it does but there's
also curatorial elements to Spotify as
well so that's Spotify backup Spotify
you don't know me I don't know they do
I've appreciated a lot of the disco
in Spotify and grated the way I listen
to music is I'll just listen to the same
30 times a day for like a whole week
like maybe maybe I'm a serial killer
that's not normal what's your kill music
epic it's very relaxing it's actually
what we're listening to a news you
actually might be a really good
candidate for Pandora less on Pandora
listeners in the past traditionally have
tended to be what people called Leanback
listen they're not the kind of person
that wants to build their own playlist
that's really dedicated to finding the
hit new artist before anybody else does
they just want good music that appeals
to them without a lot of work
traditionally that's been Pandora's
strong suit Spotify has become better at
that and that's what's helped generate
Spotify as mass appeal is that it's not
just going for people that are hardcore
music fans it's been able to appeal to
that broad range of people yeah the
thing the thing that ultimately turned
me off of Pandora that I stopped
listening to Pandora nearly as much is
that they restricted your plays yeah so
that goes to what you were talking about
is that Pandora was first and to
actually convince the labels to go along
with them they agreed to more
restrictive deals then ultimately what
Spotify before it was even more tense
than that so Pandora was first because
the labels are like in in the
progressive genius of labels they were
just kind of like no we don't want to do
streaming sorry you can't have our music
so Peter was like okay then I'll just
get this other kind of license where I
can play whatever I want
I'll pay you royalties you have no say
and whether or not I play it or not but
I can't give people exactly what they
want to hear when they want to hear it
and they can only skip a few number of
songs it's a statutory license that
allows digital providers to provide
music online without having a direct
deal with a label what yeah thing yeah
and the music industry is complicated
it's super complicated oh yeah but
basically that's why I mean like the
labels are like not super big they were
not big fans musicians and the labels or
not big fans of Pandora for a really
long time because that and that's why
companies like Spotify we're able to as
music industries started to realize you
can't just ignore the Internet
you can't ignore progress people are
gonna want to listen to music this way
they were able to come in didn't have
any baggage and strike these deals like
Spotify does that makes it really
competitive so people like you would
turn to it because you can listen to
whatever you want on repeat or like
click through it with some ads yes yeah
I pay at this point but yes exactly
okay so have either of you guys used
Pandora in the past I know once upon a
time a few moons ago I was subscribed
just for poops and giggles but like I
didn't really use it that much because I
am one of those guys who is really anal
retentive about my library so that's why
I gravitated towards Spotify and my
music what was your experience with
Pandora over history well I have an odd
one because I've been covering the I
kind of try out the mall and I don't use
one enough for it's a really know me I
don't know well you've talked a little
bit about your experience I use Pandora
for a while I did a trial run of Apple
music I actually was pretty impressed at
their playlists and their ability to
like I just put on like bluegrass and
like we got an airbnb and just played
like Apple music for three hours or
something like that or like even longer
and but like I didn't feel like paying
for it anymore so I didn't do that and
now I'm paying for Spotify and whatever
when I say I'm paying for Spotify I mean
my little brother is paying for a
Spotify I'm on a family plan so yeah but
like I'm not like pirating his or
whatever I'm not stealing his accounts
right right you're looking for it just
not you the Reubens are paying for it
the Reubens as a clan there's a lot of
Reubens is that like a gigantic family
account where like every Reuben is
involved yeah I didn't know that Andy
Rubin founder of Android he's on he's on
the account yeah and they are good
buddies yes taking a few more questions
from the chat our Wallops says this
feels like a down-and-out company buying
each other up like when Kmart bought
Sears Pandora and Sirius XM are behind
the times ya rough truth is that true
about serious though
you could say that in a way
technologically serious is there their
biggest weakness is that they're
terrible at mobile they're terrible at
streaming they're always intended to be
in the car
as they as they were their their
automobile integrations there they have
been a really profitable company for a
long time in an industry music that is
not profitable Clear Channel I heart I
think is in bankruptcy protection none
of the streaming music music services
are profitable at least none that are
operating at scale so that makes them a
bit of a unicorn like you know like you
may not agree with their product you may
not like it but they actually managed to
make money and initially that doesn't
and hasn't for a really long time
you said it over and over again we said
it today music industry is a miserable
place to try to maintain Spotify isn't
profitable yet oh no wow getting less
profit we're looking at their market cap
it's worth thirty billion dollars okay
trillion trillion dollar retailer that
makes no money ya know they don't make
any money speaking of James is asking if
we wonder if this will actually affect
Spotify stock price you know that's a
good question I didn't check I should
look right now when I checked earlier it
didn't appear to have impacted them at
all Pandora is a much smaller player so
going from Spotify his market cap which
is thirty 1 billion dollars Pandora's
they're getting bought for 3.5 billion
dollars so it's 10 percent roughly so
yeah it might impact Spotify stock price
a little bit but probably not a ton plus
from reading your story
it looks like Sirius is going to keep
Spotify independent for now and they're
just gonna like kind of advertise each
other services yeah on the other one so
it doesn't look like this is gonna be
like this intense sudden integration
between the two which yeah like if I'm
Spotify I don't have to worry that all
of a sudden like my competition is gonna
come out with like this brand new thing
to come after me yeah yeah that's true
but you should we it should be noted
that Pandora
even though
Spotify is much bigger than Pandora by a
longshot it in the US which is where
Pandora pretty much only operates
anymore more people listen to Pandora
than listen to Spotify in the US which I
find shocking
yeah because Spotify is spot on is by
far the most listened to and most
subscribed to streaming music service
but that's worldwide and they have a lot
of international you know it's their
Swedish company so they they're not even
you know a US grown company it's not
like they started out here that's
another one that just makes it even more
complicated international rights and
restrictions now we've got tons of
listeners from all over the globe in the
chat talking about how X service is not
available in a place kind of thing it's
kind of nice that we do have so many
different varieties out there some
people still get the short end of the
stick regardless right now who is in
fact at the top of the totem pole as far
as fiscal Michael Brown is asking how
long before Apple music dethrones
Spotify it would take a little take a
while because Apple musics greatest
strength is in the u.s. because Apple
musics greatest strength is being on the
iPhone and the iPhone is the dominant is
that the dominant phone in the u.s. is
it that close I believe it's it's in
general they're 50/50 yes
so like everywhere else in the world
Android rules smartphones and Apple
musics greatest strengths is that Apple
music is baked into your iPhone it's not
necessarily because it's a better
service I mean it's up to it's up to
everybody to decide which service is the
best for them but it's not necessarily
because Apple has far and away the best
service so it'll be harder for Apple to
be growing as strong as Spotify is
everywhere else in the world that's not
the US but right now it looks like Apple
music and Spotify in terms of
subscribers are about neck-and-neck
Apple music might be a little bit bigger
than Spotify in the US which is the
biggest music market but rest of world
total whole world Spotify is the biggest
by listeners and by subscribers followed
by Apple music and then the rest is kind
of a grab X Pandora's definitely still
very strong Deezer is strong in various
markets google play music is out there
YouTube music is out there not doing
great titles out there not doing great
it really is kind of a two-way contest
between Pandora
I'm sorry between Spotify and Apple
music and so it's interesting that
pandora is getting what could be some
support so do we think we're going to
actually see any of these competitive
aspects start to benefit our consumer
pricing no of course not I mean like
considering all these companies are
unprofitable anyway so you can't really
beat ten dollars a month for all the
music in the world and that's and that's
all decided by the labels really you got
the tent you got the $9.99 a month
you've got basically like $15 a month
for family streaming plans and then
you've got those sort of like in-between
II services like Amazon has one where
you pay like four dollars
that's right Amazon has one two you pay
like three dollars to $7 somewhere in
there and you get some perks and some
flexibility but not all of it
yeah I don't think there's gonna be much
change in the pricing like I said that's
stuff that's decided by the labels the
labels say you might not for this and
you can't offer that there's a
possibility that there might be some
promotional window with Pandora trying
to get give itself a shot in the arm in
for a short term but from what you said
it sounds like there's really not a lot
of profit margin for them to play with
to begin with now so if they are gonna
do it and you're really interested in
trying it out I guess you're probably
not gonna have a very long runway to do
it they're not gonna they're not gonna
have a lot of money to mess around with
yeah who is the cheapest right now is it
that Amazon $2 a month like I think it
Aries way I think it's three and I think
you have to own an echo device only
listen on the echo yeah so that's that's
an upfront cost where you have to at
least spend let's say you get an echo
dot while it's on sale you would have to
spend a minimum of $30 to get one which
isn't like the worst thing in the world
but it's every dollars another service
right so it's three dollars but you have
to own the specific device and unless
you do some like interesting juryrigg
where you but I've seen people put echo
in their cars you don't it's not like a
mobile listening thing like with your
phone or anything like that it's it's
just for our home listening yeah here's
a question from our old friends friend
Roy is the purchase of Pandora a
strategic move from Sirius XM after they
failed to stop the music modernization
act for paying new royalty under the
classic under for classic music before
1972 Wow
good question no I don't think it is
because Pandora's been playing those
royalties for a really long time
so if they were trying to find some sort
of loophole then Pandora's not the way
to forget about it oh my god you
actually knew the answer to that well
well John Mme not to confuse with mixed
martial arts the music Modernization Act
probably like I'm so relieved you're
here it would have been like yes really
that's a really that's a really specific
question and in its so props that you
well done sir enjoy our familiar and all
fairness both versions of the MMA are
equally violent do you think any
streaming services will start to bring
out some hardware
well Spotify there are rumors that it's
working on stuff like that like a
speaker I can't remember I don't know
there's always rumors and I mean like
obviously like Apple music already has
whatever the home pod
Hamazon already has tons of speakers
yeah that's true Google makes their what
do they call their home the Google on
the home so already a lot of by nature
of the fact that tech is such a
consolidated thing and all these giants
are they have their fingers and
everything a lot of the services already
have hardware but Spotify since its
founding you know like Daniel X talks
about like light bulbs that would play
music for you so it's something that's
baked into there I would be into that my
boss why didn't Amazon do that if Amazon
was gonna come out with a wall clock
then Spotify should do some sort of like
goofy I like that idea
that sounds really stupid singing light
balls especially if it's a color
changing light bulb you know but like it
kind of like does like stroke
kaleidoscopic or strobing like while
it's playing different kinds of music so
except any speaker that's gonna fit in
the package that small it's gonna sound
like duty yeah okay
hey bfr thanks for ruining everything
amazon should drop prime music and
launched which music that would make
twitch compete with youtube in both
video and music streaming there's an
idea not a bad idea yeah the problem
with twitch is is that it largely is
perceived as you know kind of a gaming
network so if you do twitch music I
guess like a lot of people are just
going to assume that it's a bunch of
like you know sounds from Zelda or
whatever that it's just the super mario
thing on repeat but either way I think
they're gonna stick with prime music
because prime is like the much better
known service and like that's that's
what they're really like building around
so that's that's my expectation but it's
an interesting idea y'all need to start
delving into some more video game music
there's some good stuff out there chip
tunes you got check that out before we
say goodbye let's run down some Amazon
stuff real quick Timothy has is this
Amazon's way of getting back the fire
market because of the failure of the
fire phone yeah great question and
that's definitely what a lot of people
have assumed has been the case for a
long time the fire phone had to fail to
a certain extent for the echo to survive
and thrive and do really well because
ahead Amazon actually been successful in
the smartphone market maybe they
wouldn't have focused as much on this
other thing called voice computing and
smart speakers that nobody was really
selling for years ago but now their
strategy is really you know and this
this I'm stealing from my colleague
right Chris their strategy is just to
catch us if you can strategy where
they're just coming out with as many
devices and updating the ones that they
have as quickly as they can all these
new services in hopes that you know
Google and Apple and you name it a lot
of other folks aren't going to catch up
to them so if they had a phone at this
point it just might have been a
distraction from creating this giant
ecosystem that they're working on yeah
and lastly let's talk about the clock a
little bit what does the clock do does
it have Alexa sorry everybody
I mean I've been trying to be better
about triggering that what is the point
of the wall clock and will it pet it
play Pink Floyd okay so the wall clock
does not have Alexa built-in which I
initially would just like oh like clock
so basically if you have a nine if you
have yeah it tells time and it's an
analog clock innovative and if you have
an echo next to it and you set a timer
it'll show on like the hands how long
you still have on the timer with these
little like digital diodes on the side
so it'll like countdown but other than
that one feature I couldn't really
figure out whether it did anything else
and it's $30 a lot of money I don't know
do anything III tell time pitched Amazon
I was just like guys I think this clock
is so stupid I want to write like a
2,000 word deep dive into like the
creation of the clock convince me
why this isn't so stupid so but to their
credit I was I was saying this that
Apple would never do something like this
they would never come out with a product
that's not really that polished that
doesn't really do that much out of the
gate and does kind of seem a little bit
silly or stupid or clunky you know and
so good good for them that like we as
tech journalists like to throw rocks all
the time and say like why don't they
take rest why don't they take chances
well this sort of what do they do you
guys like take a take a crap all over it
yeah fine I'm giving them credit and
making fun of them at the same time
which i think is totally merited like i
can talk out of both sides of my mouth
that is what I'm here for
look they wouldn't have launched it if
they weren't planning on trying to raise
a few eyebrows in the first place yeah
who the hell knows what really comes out
of in the long run but I like the idea
that they're that they're just gonna get
weird yes and they're known for being
weird you know more more often than a
lot of other tech companies which is why
it's kind of like fun to cover them
seeing some of the reportage out of that
event - a lot of people seem to think
that the microwave is gonna be this
Trojan horse that's gonna convince
everybody to buy like echo first of all
that doesn't have alexa built in to
it's like you know Alexa cook my popcorn
or like pop my popcorn and then you know
so so strikes turn it on sorry
so you can you can turn it on using your
voice assistant and it also comes with -
replenishment service built-in so when
you run out of popcorn it will send you
popcorn automatically okay so so those
are the two features it just knows it
just does know what's the hot what's the
greater number world after first cuz
that's where we're leaning towards right
now it's your Oh world it would have to
be this is a zero world problem my micro
gave has to know when I've run out of
popcorn and no world beta world alphabet
I don't know we'll work on it we didn't
really get to talk much about the
Android piece but there is a really
excellent historic video up on SEANET
right now we're gonna link to it in the
description below I highly recommend
looking at it and sharing with us your
memories of the the launch of the
Android phone and Larry Page and is
lucious rollerblades until then we are
out of time so thanks everybody for
joining us we'll be back tomorrow who
wants to take us out today can you do it
yeah I'll do it okay so the 3:59 is
available on iTunes tune in stitcher
feedburner google play music
the Amazon echo and of course
thanks everybody for watching and we'll
see you again tomorrow take care folks
see ya
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