hi Patrick Annette freed with CBS and
cnet I'm curious if you can talk a
little bit about the changes in the
scoring system some people have said
that it you know takes away some of the
artistry and focuses on the technical
elements and I'm curious if last night's
results of think you think that puts an
end to that controversy and then as a
follow-up can you talk a little bit
about the role of Technology in the
sport you system has that changed the
way we state it has actually taken read
before I would say it was probably
eighty percent of people and like twenty
percent artistic now it's more balance
is more like a fifty fifty percent
technical and fifty percent artistic so
which is great that's the new generation
that's how skating is as developed and I
think people enjoy that part is getting
a bit more technology wise we have come
so far we have instant replay and we
have computers now to put in the
calculations for all the marks and big
numbers I mean it's all computerized now
and these two write on paper though it
is all in touch screen so that's a big
change in technology and I think we're
really up to date but
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