if it makes some of our favorite fitness
trackers but it can be difficult
choosing among the eight models the
company offers some of which are really
old it's confusing at first but we're
gonna simplify it for you you can skip
the Fitbit one and flip they are old and
too expensive for what they can do the
same is true for the Fitbit charge
unless you find it for a crazy discount
something like fifty dollars or under
now here are the trackers you should
consider the Fitbit zip it's a good
entry-level tracker that is clipped to
your belt pocket or bra it can track
steps distance calories burned and has a
battery that doesn't have to be charged
and will last up to six months
the downside there's no sleep tracking
next up the Fitbit Alta which is one of
fitbit's more attractive wristbands this
one does all the basic tracking
including sleep and active minutes it
can also display text messages calls and
calendar alerts and has a pretty cool
move notifier to keep you active
throughout the day plus about a week of
battery life the downside there's no
heart rate sensor which leads us to our
next selection the Fitbit charge HR this
one adds a heart rate sensor which can
help improve estimates for calories
burned and sleep it can also display a
caller ID for incoming calls and will
last up to five days on a single charge
the downside it's a bit bulky and the
heart rate data isn't great when working
out then we have the Fitbit blaze it's a
stylish SmartWatch that can display
calls text messages and calendar alerts
it will also measure all the activities
including heart rate and has a five-day
battery life the downside for this one
is that you have to pop the entire
tracker out of the band to charge it
which is really frustrating and lastly
there's the Fitbit surge this is the
company's only tracker with GPS which
can be used to measure pace and distance
when running it can also display basic
notifications and track all two
activities including heart rate and
comes with five days of battery life but
the surge is big and bulky and lacks
some of the higher-end features more
serious runners may want such as
interval training and the heart rate
sensor well its accuracy tends to
fluctuate during workouts another
downside with all these devices is that
you can't wear them while swimming or in
the shower
for more information and to learn about
the best non Fitbit devices check out my
full article over at cnet.com
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