Pivothead builds AR safety glasses using Intel's Joule (CNET News)
Pivothead builds AR safety glasses using Intel's Joule (CNET News)
now it's the latest I'm pleased to
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whether you're innovating in robotics
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almost any application can be done best
with jewel and I'd like to invite Diana
on stage to show you just what jewel can
do with our demo here hey Diana hey
Brian so this isn't quite as big as
Jeff's jet engine but I'm getting closer
so what are you having for us all right
well you know after all that high tech
you've been showing I would like to talk
about safety glasses
but not just any safety glasses these
are from pivothead and they contain an
integrated high quality camera we've
augmented their solution with Intel
jewel and airbus is experimenting with
this platform for their future factory
project with the advanced computer
vision capabilities we're able to
provide real-time feedback to their
factory workers as they go about their
tasks and Intel jewels small size and
low-power envelope make these
lightweight devices they can easily wear
all day and we're doing all the
computation right on Intel Jules there's
no need for additional connectivity so
an example and why I brought this little
plane segment here Brian I know your
expertise with drones is well known but
I think maybe it's been a while since
you've tried to construct a full fledged
aircraft yeah luckily nobody's riding in
a jumbo jet I built so no worries there
all right I'll save comment on that but
tens of thousands of bolts many
different sizes shapes colors materials
you want to make sure the right bolt is
in the right location so you can do a
quality finish dual track at the end of
final assembly another alternative might
be to take something that the workers
are wearing already the safety glasses
because they're for safety and actually
how do I do board of bolt verification
in real time as they're going through
through their tasks we take a look sure
now this is meant to be an audio input
to you correct correct yeah so when I so
you can see when I put the glasses on
here and then you will be putting video
up on the screen but this is just so you
can see what I'm seeing
or you can see what the glasses are
seeing the workers themselves they're
not seeing any video they're just going
through their normal job wearing their
safety glasses doing the various bolt
insertions you can see we're scanning
the patterns here so the glasses are
continuously scanning looking for any
potential bolt mismatches but the
workers are just doing their job as
usual they don't have to do anything
different the eyeglasses will keep an
eye on things and if the glasses see
that there's any potential bolt
mismatches they will over the positions
1 & 2
like that they will alert me with an
audio notification just letting me know
so I'm not changing anything I'm just
getting alerts to warn me that I'm there
might be a mismatch and it'll also give
me the option to have a remote call with
a voice over IP call with a mode expert
who can actually see what I'm seeing and
provide prepped provide additional in
essence as necessary so very
straightforward doesn't really change
the workers jobs but just helps them you
know ensure 100% accuracy on the bolts
so you think about the efficiency right
real-time tracking of work projects like
this and a hundred percent tracking
every bolt is inspected basically I like
that in a plane yeah basically that will
give me a lot more confidence in the
next jet I fly in as a result thank you
very much for showing us
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