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Pixel 2: Google beefs up camera features (CNET News)

the pixel two has a 12 megapixel F 1.8 aperture rear camera with optical image stabilization we've integrated these components with our HDR + computational photography for every photo we take a burst of shots with short exposure times to avoid blowing out the highlights within a line and combine each pixel algorithmically for optimal color and contrast all of this happens instantly with zero shutter lag the results are stunning with high dynamic range even in challenging low-light conditions this year we've increased the dynamic range and improved texture and sharpness and combined with a new autofocus mechanism an optical image stabilization to reduce blur from shaky hands you get amazing shots every time like this and this portrait mode lets you take professional-looking shots with a blurred background to make the foreground pop like what you might capture with an SLR camera other smart phones do this by combining the images from two cameras pixel 2 does portrait mode with just one camera and machine learning the way this works is that the pixel 2 camera includes a dual pixel sensor technology this means that each pixel in an image contains a right and a left view the difference in perspective from those pixels combined with machine learning models trained on almost a million photos means that this works on really hard cases like a busy colorful background portrait mode doesn't just work on the main camera because of the quality of Google's computational photography with a single camera you can also take portrait selfies through the front camera during video recording on a pixel - the OIS Hardware actively corrects shake artifacts while at the same time the software based video stabilization uses intelligent frame look-ahead to stabilize the overall video the pixel 2 camera also supports a feature called motion photos your pixel captures up to 3 seconds of video behind the scenes removing uninteresting motion and applying our unique fuse video stabilization technology - the result
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