Pixel 2 is coming! Whats on your wish-list? (The 3:59, Ep. 284)
Pixel 2 is coming! Whats on your wish-list? (The 3:59, Ep. 284)
hey good morning on Thursday September
14th it's episode 284 of the 359 podcast
I'm your technical producer BVG and in
the house we've got Alfred Inge and
Roger Chang is finally back with hey
just take a break
nice little vacation add Nessa did you
bring us a bunch of iPhones Shh
I did not thanks for stashing them I was
like hey so can I just take one of these
from the demo room like it seems like
you got a bunch as he was walking out ya
know as a security guard such rustling
we down on the floor I would pay good
money to see
anyways busy day ahead of us Roger
what's on the bill yeah we're uh
ironically not starting out with that
but we will talk about Apple but Google
came out and he's their their pixel to
event in October October 4th I'm never
fourthly a year from when they released
them yeah so so we'll talk about what we
want to see the pixel too and then we'll
get into Apple and some of my early
impressions with the iPhone X and iPhone
a plus and H it's the ten you know I
keep saying X I won't stop saying X damn
it well if Ben's not here today
someone's got to screw up the name there
you go all right then lastly we'll talk
a little bit Alfred story on face ID and
how Apple's slow and se approach and I
helped ya that with this this feature
all right Brian
as always if you have any questions
leave in the comment section Brian will
get the best and we'll try to answer
them in 3 minutes and 59 seconds after
the recording of the podcast in three
two welcome to the 259 I brought your
chat I'm Alfred hang surprise surprise
we're not gonna talk about Apple yet
instead once first turn to Google which
teased the launch date of October 4th
for the pixel to refreshed off the
launch of the Galaxy Note 8 as well as
all the new iPhones so what do you want
to see the pixel two for one a headphone
jack everyone keeps you know getting rid
of their the original pixels so there's
there's some hope left though there have
also been a lot of leaks yeah
you know it's not gonna have the
headphone jack which would be extremely
disappointing considering that when they
released the pixel one of their big like
selling points was we have a headphone
jack and you know the the iPhone 7
doesn't so haha and Samsung made that
same yeah this time around with the SA
and the node 8 so if they got rid of it
they'd be hypocrites well it's been a
year no change things that things never
change what else you wanna say well you
know we're living in a world now where
phones are $800 and up for that if you
want anything of quality for some reason
so I'm really hoping that Google sticks
to its affordable price on their pixel -
yep more affordable than pixel - or sort
of the same level because it was like
650 was a preemie yeah but I guess I
guess the bar for affordable has been
lowered now yeah yeah affordable
headphone jacks especially I mean after
seeing these other phones I want to see
a dual camera system on the pixel - like
I have a 7 plus right now love using the
dual cam portrait mode when it works it
doesn't work all the time but it's great
when it does and I want to wireless
charging no one else has gotten wireless
charging down now Apple has it Google
it's your turn yeah what's the point of
all that you know unlimited storage if
you can't take amazing photos with it
there you go
all right back to Apple so I tried a
chance to play with all the new phones
but actually decent amount of time on
them you know I'm still wrestling with
that $1,150 question because let's face
it it's you're not paying $1000 for that
that iPhone 10 it is you know it's $1000
starting price but that's 64 gigs and no
one's buying the 16 you can buy them you
could buy a MacBook Air for that price
man I know but you can do so much more
with your phone
no you can't yes you can then a laptop
no yeah you can't think about all the
millions of apps you could do all you
know the millions of games you can play
on your laptop do anything Mac can't you
do anything location based on your Mac
no you can yeah you can what are you
talking about
no can you play pokemon go there no you
cannot sorry saying I'd much rather have
a powerful laptop than a phone that you
can pull out every five minutes you
can't because all right so you're saying
that you think that it's worth 1000 like
I would say I'm probably gonna get it
because I'm dumb and I like to buy the
newest great things but it's gonna be a
tough question for a lot of people I
mean the big question is removing the
and relying solely on face ID is a
controversial move because I got a
chance to try it it's not as smooth as
using a touch ID you've got to look at
it it unlocks and then you have to swipe
to get the homes gonna house a learning
curve on the iPhone 10 it's you know
it's gonna take a little while
the removal the whole bun and having to
swipe up I can see myself getting used
to that pretty quickly but you know
touch ID I could put my hand in my
pocket with the finger on the button and
buddies having to pull it out I'm ready
on the homescreen face ID though let's
think this ID is a lot slower you've got
to put it up to your face you know scary
waits for the lock symbol to go unlock
which is immediately very quick but then
you've got to go back down and swipe up
was it as smooth as Apple said it was it
was pretty smooth no yeah and they
worked really well I set up super quick
it was very similar like touch ID we
rotate your faces on your finger but you
know worked really well I that it's a
good segue to your story of yeah I
talked about how Apple took the slow and
say approached for facial recognition
right yeah so right now Apple has this
major hurdle that they have to jump over
which is face ID has a very bad
reputation because of all the not face I
need facial recognition
yes because of all the people that
basically rushed to you know have facial
recognition and then it was basically oh
this photo can trick it and you know
Apple basically the idea is that they
kind of waited until the technology was
out there right to be able to do it like
quickly efficiently and without being
able to be spoofed yep so alright that's
all the time we've got for those stories
and more chick sounds seen it I'm Roger
Chang I'm out for name thanks for the
sing up on me sorry it's four minutes we
have our out trophy I chose like 10
seconds long you got to give me a better
segue maybe we shouldn't have trove
faster I was looking at the clock we're
running out of time maybe shout roll
overs like we're all free we're about 25
seconds late sorry about that I need I
need a signal or something yeah all
right all I could think of anywhere
talking about that stories I got one
hand in my pocket and the one on an over
pressed phone that was again way more
like a really bad I was thinking you
made like really good points about like
all the things that you could do on your
like you can't do on your laptop I'm
wondering you know does that mean that
the thousand dollar price point is
actually worth it now considering how
much more considering how much more you
can do on your phone than a laptop yeah
which were your points yes does that
mean that the thousand dollar like price
point is actually like you know but like
actually worth it uh considering that's
like an average price for a decent
laptop yes in my mind it is clear when
you look at a phone versus a laptop the
phones a clear winner it is your main
communications device you know you can
play games on it you can do you can run
apps you do location-based services you
can find your friends on it really
quickly you can find it right you can
get turn-by-turn directions you can't do
that your Mac because there's no
location on that max there's no vice so
to me yeah it's worth it because that's
become such a big part of my life more
so than my math I mean I stared my Mac a
few hours of the day for work I served
my phone constantly right so in my mind
yeah it's worth it then again I'm a
little biased because I like to buy nice
expensive techie toys cuz I'm a geek
like that and I tend to like to buy I
tend to lean towards phones anyway so
maybe my advice isn't the most practical
yeah I don't know I just think about in
terms maybe it's because I'm taking a
flight soon but I'm thinking you know if
I were to go on a plane and I would
forget one thing at home would I rather
forget my phone or forget my laptop I
feel like I'd rather forget my phone
really yeah yeah how would I contact
anybody can you call it on your laptops
and what yeah you have to go to a store
but you have to find a Wi-Fi know if
you're at the airport we're gonna do I
don't know I don't I just like I think
you're far more inconvenience to the
other phone yeah sure I still I defend
you an extent where I think you know I'm
at a point it's not a shooter is
definitely useful I mean just a lot more
like working like game minded because
it's like I don't do like it can't do a
lot of work or play it was very simple
effective like you can't really make a
phone call unless you find a wife you
can use Google Voice on it I mean yeah
you need to find yeah sure thing alright
okay I'm wrong it's apples and oranges
this is
that was your opinion that's totally
fine but look back to the original
question was like is it worth $1,000 me
yeah I mean pure net Allah I mean a lot
of the features that they're introducing
in the iPhone 10 I don't actually think
you necessarily need I think you're
you're you pretty happy with an iPhone 8
plus especially if you're due for an
upgrade like if you have an iPhone 7 you
should not be buying a new phone like
these upgrades are not really worth it
unless you just absolutely need to have
the layers of grace which is why I'm
doing it also pretty happy with a pixel
- or any other Android phone be a pixel
- we'll have to see how about the pixel
- cause I think you bring up a great
point and like the bar has been raised
at like don't know a premium phone cost
versus an affordable phone so yeah well
Google like sort of take its cues not
like the note eight is nine hundred
thirty dollars this starts at nine
hundred ninety nine dollars it's that's
those just crazy I don't know if Google
at this point after seeing the price
points for the note eight and the iPhone
10 are like wait you can set phone
prices that high exactly like we just
changed those prices right now it had a
few zero hundred dollars good to go well
what's that point you're trying to make
about Cracker Barrel if oh so I saw a
tweet from somebody they got really
popular that was basically saying that
the entire menu of Cracker Barrel costs
less than the iPhone 10 so you know
there are things there that you can you
know there's better things that you can
spend that money on but you can order
use the iPhone 10 to have cracker rail
delivered to your house no but can you I
don't know I don't you get all of
Cracker Barrel I would say all Cracker
Barrel would probably not even be half
of what the iPhone the Cracker Barrel is
known for like affordable food that with
huge portions yeah family meal I believe
it's like about like eight hundred or
something somebody like actually did the
math on this I got to find it at the
bankers I mean well I would argue though
if you ate that Cracker Barrel no that
entire Cracker Barrel menu you would die
I'm telling you I'm just like your heart
would just stop we should save to say I
would hate myself
equally yeah if we expensed it you know
instead of us shelling out money for the
new phone just let me go to Cracker
Barrel and just make for you I think
we're gonna buy the phone okay the
entire cracker
menu cost eight hundred eighty seven
dollars and seven cents I realize that
were that menu but horrible though
that's the thing does it count
variations we are talking I don't know I
I don't we spent so much have a cracker
bro we should I just like cracker
barrels foods that's why I want I'm
never even there but you know it's like
the best roadtrip food people I can buy
they're all too hard all right so we
should actually jump into this chat yes
sorry well take your questions I yes I
had a chance to travel the fight iPhone
so please ask me whatever questions I
will try my best to answer them I got
mostly details that hopefully well
Watson who's become one of our more
recent regulars we want to give them a
shout out Watson what do you guys think
about Apple saying that calling on LTE
on the Apple watch without iPhone
connection will only be one hour and
four hours for playing music yeah they
did a little bit of weird math with the
like what their argument for all-day
battery because they said it's so all
right but that's some mixed use of LTE
Wi-Fi Bluetooth and and if you look at
the fine print if you use your LTE
connection for any significant amount of
time it like really serious dope
deal-breaker because I I in a previous
podcast I'd have been talking about how
it was considering using that as my
primary phone I think I'm just like I'm
trying to get away from my phone dude I
think that's the thing it's it's
impressive enough that they got the LTE
radio into a watch that small like no
other connected watch looks that that
comm patent right so kudos for that but
they have to give up something and it
seemed like the battery life
I don't yeah I wouldn't trust it to go
even half a day if you're using any if
you're using independently of your phone
for any significant amount of time I
think that's a huge loss of the top of
everybody's list I know this is the the
watch but the watch is essentially a
phone now let's be honest with ourselves
the telemarketers better battery better
battery better battery every phone every
device everything you have to carry
around in your godforsaken technical day
yeah everybody needs better battery life
and they still do sit net like I said
that I think they wanted to keep it to
the same size they kind of understood
that a lot people are really turned
by those ultra bulky watches true that
Android makes the Android wear rock
which and that believes where the
battery comes into play yeah for sure
and so I mean it's kind of amazing that
they were able to fit that much into it
but yeah something had to give here's
what we need we need to get like blimps
over specific urban areas and the blimp
just kind of rains down wireless power
yeah we're coming man
I thought your talk about raining down
why it's looking into it I know that's
already kind of in raining down key so
that we end up like gee sorry sorry so
it's not Chi it's actually Chi is only
let's get technical for a second it's
magnetic residents so you actually have
to be like stuck on to it yeah there are
different styles there's different
standards for wireless power where
they're broadcasting it like Wi-Fi stuff
hasn't really been approved by the FCC
yet but companies are working on it in a
Paloma to be pushing for some of us that
true wireless power to come through
maybe some what could go wrong with
electricity flowing through the air well
they are basically running at the same
frequency as Wi-Fi so like basically
that's what they argue I don't know if
it's actually true yet but yeah
conspiracy theorists are already working
against this one I mean yeah it's a
freaky idea right it's a weird going
through your body to somebody else's
Apple watch or I remember oh like we
would be powering like there's someone
behind you with an Apple watch that's a
good idea for a movie put a battery in
me man I could use it some of these days
what else we got okay back into the chat
Matt Eldridge what do you think about
the OLED on the iPhone X oh yeah it was
nice pretty it was very pretty but it's
been around on Samsung phones for a
while so I'm kind of used to it at this
point it's definitely more vibrant they
say it's more powerful issue but our
colleague Dave Katz Meyer says that's a
little bit negligible on small screens
like that yeah I'm really looking
forward to his like detailed review on
that in terms of like the color like the
blacks are truly black you know the
colors are very vibrant they just pop
and yeah it looks quarter they showed me
a bunch of photos that they took with
the iPhone 10 and it just they look
gorgeous back into the chat first name
surname Alfred you're the reason the
world can't move on if you're that
desperate for the headphone jack
McClain cousin to expand Alfred Inge is
a millennial trying to be a curmudgeon
these are both I love this I love you
also I mean I I don't think I'm
single-handedly stopping people from
moving if you are Jack maybe you are
that's the kind of force you are yeah
yeah Samsung watches all these pockets
we have an intern watching this just in
case we you're climbing the hit list oh
boy maybe it's a bad revoir i look i i i
think that you know not everybody has
bluetooth headphones yet and i think
that you know it's very annoying if
you're especially if you're like in an
older car and you don't have you know
bluetooth in the car yeah and you know
you just you just have an auxiliary cord
Firma from like that little cassette
tape thing that works like magic somehow
yeah the cassette thing that has the aux
cord on yeah I know I have no clue how
it works but it's it's amazing that's
the sign of a true millennial mobile
yeah it changes that whole game though
would like the aux cable yeah that self
that was a battle before amazing but no
I really I I think the headphone ports
are great I think if you use bluetooth
headphones that's awesome I personally
don't like having to charge my
headphones also yeah that's the thing
that's so that's so annoying to me yeah
there's different we're getting pretty
darn good though I just feel like
there's certain things that shouldn't be
charged actually what I'm hoping for
Apple kind of addressed this as wireless
charging your your Bluetooth headphones
like you've got one pad you put your
iPhone there you put your whatever
headphone Wireless your bluetooth
headphone there they all charge at the
same time that's pretty sharp yeah
they're gonna be offering a the wireless
charging case for the air pods yep so
that's their kind of addressing that but
I'd love to see just integrated right
into the headphones themselves yeah
I've actually never seen people lose
their there yeah I'm really surprised
about that like I feel like because
they're so expensive people like mine
payments yeah that's true that's true
it's like people ray-bans I've lost like
six or seven pairs of headphones and
those are cables too but then let me
just my personal perspective from the
headphone thing just as like an
audiophile studio guy it's nice to have
the option more than
I love both sound sports I know there
are a lot of great options out there
those are just the ones that happen to
be in my possession right now I'm
getting used to it but I still kind of
miss the days when I can like swap back
to my big buckets you know yeah that's
the big things you lose the option of
switching out I appreciate it and I also
don't like the fact that you know when
you only have like USBC or lightning the
fact that you can't listen to music if
you have like a headphone dongle and
like charge your phone at the same time
right very frustrating let's talk about
Wireless I love this comment why Allah
in general yeah in general just there's
no wires on it yeah
storm king asks will will any wireless
charger work with the new iPhones as
much no you need to have a Qi approved
wireless charger and that's a big deal
because there are a lot of wireless
charging pads and stands on Amazon that
are not she approved they're like
usually cheaper you've gotta kind of
look for legit ones for it to work so
and that's actually really the case for
a lot of a lot of wireless charging
devices like it what the Samsung phone
if you buy a non approved one like
they'll I don't think they work as well
as Samsung actually made some tweaks to
its phone so it works better with like
Samsung approved for wireless charging
stations - did you get to try the
wireless charging on their phone no I
mean I did play with like moving it up
because around the charging pad curious
about how long it would take to actually
get like a full charge what I understand
it's it's a little bit slower than I
mean it's definitely slower than yeah
it'll always be slower than play I think
it might be slower than like the Android
version of wireless charging so some
other phones turn this already slow so
yeah turn that over on its head will in
the reverse will apples charging pads
work with other non Apple devices shadow
Matthew - hey Matt great question I not
sure yet cuz it's the the charging pads
not coming out till next year and they
are saying apples saying but they're
trying to put these standards into the
broader G community and so it's really
up to the other handset makers to adopt
these different staff I think a number
of manufacturers will start to jump on
that train though it should work if it's
working through Qi though I mean I can't
say no no because they they have a
Apple's introducing a little some new
technology that allows
multiple devices that mate yes and so I
don't know that is gonna be it may not
be supported by existing products but I
assume future products going for might
have that same support let's go ahead
and oh well great great fill in here
from Michael Brown Apple failed
miserably by not calling their upcoming
wireless charging pads the apple juice
oh yeah yes I could make your own
charging pad why would you want to Apple
to do so go to China go to shows in
literally just ask for like after the
mock-up of a charging pad is in charge
just walk into the city like all right I
need a charge bad help me out and just
for the record it is that you would take
a less than a day to figure that out
it is Qi right yes it is yes I want to
say key because that's how you see it in
like its house in dragon ball he's and
Darden yeah but it's cheap they
pronounce it
Qi and dragon ball as well yeah you
would he's the English version yeah
when was the it's Chinese for energy
right so which is pronounced chief
Michael Brown another comment for
Michael Brown personally I think all the
premium phones are great it's harder to
find a bad premium phone these days it's
all about the ecosystem and I think
Google a pixel falls short oh wow and
branching off of that Moran says pixel
two will be crippled and overpriced to V
30 it's easy to see why Apple removed
3.5 but Google will make the huge
mistake following Apple again you just
say that they called compared to the V
30 because I would compare neither be
1000 but the V 30 is very very much geez
check out their Android manufacturer
this phone I think HTC is right the
better comparison would be the U 11
really and use that photo you squeezed
from the manufacturer standpoint but
from user experience standpoint perhaps
they're just because it's kind of top of
the top of the dogpile right now what
the p30 it's up there it's probably well
better yes I don't I don't know I've
seen a lot of chatter about the V 30 at
least in our chats okay so I think
that's the angle they're coming from
because I feel like in the US market LG
phones are just I'm so I'm surprised
that my remember we have a huge
international audience no that's insane
I'm surprised that Michael Brown thinks
that the Google pixel like fall short
when it comes to the ecosystem because
I've always felt that Google has like
one of the best ecosystems yeah if you
like Gmail Doc's calendar Google Photos
Google home right I honestly I would
argue it's ecosystems better than
Apple's ecosystem but I think that's a
fair argument to make yeah I don't know
I mean I don't see where he thinks that
fall short but maybe talk about in terms
of the family of products that could be
a yes you know there's no there's I
guess there was a Google tablet but yeah
it's only just like the pixel like the
frown itself and they've got their
Chromebooks I guess yeah but it doesn't
really fit along with yeah so here's a
really great question from Gorrell do
y'all think the pixel will be another
verizon exclusive or will Google be able
to get more carriers onboarding I'm very
interested in that myself because I'm
grandfathered in at 18t I don't know I
mean I've I think they had a lot of
success with Verizon as a partner that's
the thing like when you partner with a
carrier you do get a lot more
promotional positioning you get better
spots in the store if they strike deals
with every carrier I mean they tried
that before didn't work so well but I
don't know I I would like to see the
pixel broadly available but of course
obviously I don't know they'll probably
just exclusive again yeah I mean like
the inertial was an exclusive with
Sprint which I still don't understand
why they did that but yeah I mean I
could see that happening with Verizon
Sprint people like notches I don't know
is that what we're calling it now like
because there's been like several
different names for that little well
three on the top I feel like what the
essential when they kept here notch a
lot okay I don't know where else they
call it well what are they sorry yeah
just that's a question the next question
is we should not let the not last call
for questions for this this week
we got a good one here from AI pimp
awesome name so that a our stuff Apple
showed can any other new flagship phone
do any of that
I know rate question I mean other
iPhones specifically those know yeah
like the note you mean like the AR kit
stuff that you recorder for the air
stuff on the front like Anna
Mogi and stuff I'm assuming the AR kids
okay but I mean in terms of AR kid like
I mean they're I guess other phones that
could do AR they've been those have been
able to do AR for years but in terms of
how smoothly that worked that's a little
bit tougher say I think the pixel wait
and see that's still a stage show no I
tried it you got to try it it is
freaking awesome
is it quick the machines demo I saw I
was moving around and like oh yeah did
you play the game yeah it's cool that
game looks sick I'm super excited and
it's not just for the the new phones
like iphone 7 iphone success I think
should be able to run you expect people
to trip and fall though as they're
trying to play that probably okay so but
to do each other you're moving on yeah
place it was fucked up I thought the
sports that thing was pretty cool I also
really like the whole like look up at
the sky get the constellations yeah yeah
yeah kind of into that so they look some
of this stuff is already out there for
the other phones your seat you're just
hearing a lot more about it right now
because Apple is making a big deal of it
well yeah but they're just there it's
just done differently it did look like
it was just I mean it looks like it's
finally starting to get refined I'm glad
to say to hear that you got first-hand
experience and it's still pleased with
it I'm really want us to go take it out
and get the real sports stats in real
time when we do a review but I'm not
Stine to not go to a Jets game for once
well I had missed the the sports part so
how does that work like you put on your
TVs mirror like you go to an actual game
and it like and put it out like a player
or something I'm guessing the TV screen
is probably more akin to that but I
don't know what did you see out of it I
didn't see him I didn't see a lot of
sports stuff yeah I was playing with the
games it was like a Thomas the Train I
can't imagine it working unless every
teammate it's got like a chip and their
helmet or something no no because it's
really you know Google kind of showed
this off with google lens which is we
still haven't seen it's basically it's
image recognition right yeah and
geolocation is and they see it they
recognize what that is and then
something pops up yeah again I'm excited
for AR though that's I'm surprised they
didn't make as big a deal as they did at
WWDC but the AR stuff is I think like
the coolest tech yeah I can I finally
have photos with my friends
you could have friends even just like
put a our friends Oh time until somebody
makes that app add a friend
use AR to like copy paste I stock photos
let's get on that all right
wrap it up yeah good week all right if
you like to anything you saw or heard
here check us out on SEANET our podcast
is also available on iTunes
tune in stitcher SoundCloud feedburner
and Google Play Music see you all next
who else on Sina comm have a good
appleĆs weekend there you go
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