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Pokemon Go 'Appraisal' reveals more details about each one (How To)

want to know more about your Pokemon the latest feature on the Pokemon go app lets you ask your team leader for an assessment start by updating the app in the Google Play or App Store on your phone hit the pokeball from your main page and hit Pokemon to see all your little monsters now pick the one you want to learn more about and click on the menu icon on the bottom right you should now see the new appraise option on the screen tap to call on your team leader who had been practically m.i.a up until this point and keep tapping on the word bubble to continue here's where you might learn about its strongest combat feature attack defense or hit points the amount of damage a Pokemon can take before fainting and it's estimated size some believe that heavier Pokemon hit harder while smaller Pokemon dodge better in battle though this has not yet been confirmed by niantic spoiler alert candela is impressed with just about any stats the feedback is pretty vague overall but paired with other stats on the dashboard can be useful to pick your Pokemon in battle and to see which ones are worth powering up make sure to check out cnet com for more Pokemon tips and tricks you
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