Prevent YouTube music from killing your data plan (Tech Minute)
Prevent YouTube music from killing your data plan (Tech Minute)
if you use the YouTube Music app to
access YouTube's huge library of songs
you might be running up your data usage
and with enough listening you might end
up going over your data cap to prevent
this from happening YouTube music now
has an option that lets you stream over
Wi-Fi only this means you won't be able
to stream songs over the network but it
could save you money in the end to
enable the feature tap the hamburger
button in the upper left corner of the
app and tap Settings then tap the toggle
switch to stream over Wi-Fi only YouTube
music isn't the only app that could kill
your data plan at Facebook Instagram
snapchat and the full YouTube app all
have options to only load media when
you're connected to Wi-Fi I'd especially
recommend enabling this for facebook
since auto-playing videos in the feed
will use up a lot of data for more on
how to enable these settings visit and Cisco I'm Sharon Profis for CBS News
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