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Prey: Don't call it a reboot

outer space future-tech neural modification aliens welcome to the world of prey in prey you assume the role of Morgan you key subject in an experiment meant to alter humanity forever but when you wake up on tellus one massive space station orbiting the moon things have gone completely sideways species of alien called the typhoon have overrun everything and now they're hunting you we got to check out the first hour or so of prey at this point in its development which kicks off with our hero's realization they're actually on a space station and some exploration of the game's first main hub one of the cool things about the setting is it's not like oh this is a derelict space station and like a hundred years ago you know it got shut down and now you're arriving it's the disaster just happened like moments ago so most of the people on the space station are already dead but not everybody's dead it's a first person action game with depth that depth comes from a lot of choices offered to you developer Arkane Studios says there are multiple solutions to just about every obstacle the game throws at you and Morgan's skill trees will dictate how you tackle them like we really want players to improvise and so right off the bat in the first area of the game whatever neurologic there's an immediate payoff the atmosphere in prey is very intense with heart pounding music that ratchets up the sense of dread when enemies are close there's a very specific dreamlike quality to mimicks they look like evil scribbles that escape the darkest part of your imagination I didn't quite play enough to get a sense of parade larger scope but arcane promises multiple endings and huge hubs for morgan to explore but the parts I did see suggested a game filled with upgrades modifications and exploration in this game the entire space station is like one giant space that you can move around in and come back to old areas like you can sort of make your office a home base if you want to and so we sort of call it an open space station game combat feels really familiar here especially a little half life nod via the ultra handy wrench you'll be beating up enemies with early on think it's still a little too early to say whether prey will be able to find a niche in a crowded action FPS genre but arcane seems confident it can deliver a game that can do just that I'm hoping the players are telling each other's stories about like I saw the bit this way and this other person is like well I didn't even see that and I thought I solved it this other way Freight launches on may 5th 2017 for Windows Xbox one and PlayStation 4
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