Project Tango makes augmented tech a reality (CNET News)
Project Tango makes augmented tech a reality (CNET News)
the first experience is an
out-of-the-box app to help introduce
people to the new functionality of their
new phone and so as you can see here
what is doing is I was building a point
cloud of the stage in front of us as I
walk around you can see it recognizes
the 3d shapes around it it's mostly a
flat stage so there's a flat floor here
and we're visited by some friends and
transforms the world into a fully
virtual space and begins to grow the
life around it if I went to I can get up
and close look at all the detail of the
flowers and rocks so what we have here
is a collection of dinosaurs that we can
visualize and the fun thing is that we
can actually place them here on the
stage I have a velociraptor there if I
want to see compared to one of the other
dinosaurs I place him there and we can
see the different animals there on stage
with us and you can see the different
sizes and learn a little bit about each
one so that's a Tyrannosaurus Rex but
you can see in the upper right it says
he's a 20% size so the stage is pretty
big so we can actually try to get him
full size here like this
yeah you can take a look at this teeth
and respond what we can do is that we
have a large selection of colored
dominoes but we also have a toy box of
different items here so what do users
use at the depth sensor and if I want to
create a set of dominoes all I have to
do is click and drag like this hit start
and we have a nice little domino set
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