now it's like we're kind of like jogging
or so we're like running me 15 miles an
hour optical pokemon ghost pokemon oh
stop oh oh oh my god so cool it's gonna
be SUV versus hatchback which is the
best pokemon go rally car two cars two
trainers to fall c'mon teams it spoke a
rally time scope who left yes wait
there's a polka stuff right up here that
we need to get only have you been
mapping out pokey stops right I mean I
might have been looking while we were
waiting for them to hurry up haha what
do you got on the stand I'm loading up
the app and it is notoriously taking a
while ah that one takes a while oh wait
pull what are here man I got him back
I'm turning around huddle up yes there
you go you got it you got it no wait I'm
in battle with it okay oh my god she
hasn't filled with anxiety I feel like
Christina's just probably blowing me out
of the water she's already so good at
this and she's a higher level than me
did he get it well here's the thing I've
done this many times where I've caught
really good pokemon and the game just
freezes oh okay well what's what's a
good one to talk Caitlyn let's see a
nine tails would be pretty sweet okay um
oh my god you guys Christine just got a
nine-tailed what your phone vibrates you
know what pokemon has appeared you check
your screen
it's a rat attack it's really annoying
come on rat-a-tat-tat tat-tat-tat you
know you want to travel with us yes I'm
worried that we seem to be in a Pokemon
desert here i am to pulling over it has
two heads oh oh oh wait so this is ok so
there's another that oh hi ok wait I'm
gonna feed him a little raspberry and
that makes him more amenable to being
caught and enslaved Oh beautiful a wild
onyx appearance I've never seen Alex
before ok it's ok it's gonna light you
we can make this work there you got him
ok we still got out what alright well so
much for there's a dog yeah 15 mon there
are optimal pokemon goes oh oh my god it
looked like a Lego monster yes so cool
hahaha porygon one minute and 40 seconds
wild horse see I told you this water is
gonna be great for slaughter this isn't
be good for all the water pokemon right
here those kids are called your pokemons
around the court oh wait there's a rat
attack Oh hold position hold position
653 what was your ending XP yeah I got
almost 3000 x well i was at 8,000 on one
level and i improved to 4,000 on the
next level so I one in XP we want XP oh
alright how many pokemon did you catch
11 11 yeah people can go team rocket's
blasting off Steven know how many we
caught how many it's okay so what's the
most powerful Pokemon you just caught on
this 30 minutes apparently golder at 224
CP oh we were so close on this one I got
a horsey at two-fifteen that was good
you want an hour you re actually once
those good there you go mazda 3 wins it
for Pokemon rally car we can
definitively say the mazda 3 is the best
poke a rally car don't we do I of the
two we tested
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