you can now buy a Tesla solar roof to
have it installed this year and it may
cost you less than a normal roof in the
long run what makes Tesla's solar roof
tiles so interesting is that these
textured glass tiles look like
traditional building materials with the
solar cell hidden inside but you don't
need every tile on your roof to be solar
a typical home what over a mix of solar
and Cheaper normal tiles that match
depend on how much Sun you get you may
only need about 35% of the roof to be
solar for it to be cost-effective now
ask for pricing it turns out you don't
have to be a rich man to fiddle with
Tesla's roof the price of a single solar
tile is 42 dollars and the price of a
normal tile is 11 dollars
Tesla is saying that this is cheaper
than a normal asphalt shingle roof when
you consider the amount of electricity
that you be generating over 30 years to
offset the net cost using data from
consumer reports it says it could cost
an average of 22 dollars a square foot
and that's not counting any tax rebates
or other incentives you can get for
going solar of course you should do your
own number crunching based on your
location your building codes how much
Sun you get and your energy consumption
Tesla's website does have a solar roof
calculator to help you with that also
keep in mind you're going to need a
tesla powerwall battery to store all the
energy those tiles are collecting that
can be $7,000 Tesla will be raising its
roofs this summer but only some tile
designs are available now next year it's
going to begin installations for
customers outside the US I'm Bridget
Carey and if all of this went over your
head well you can read a more detailed
breakdown at
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