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Razor Turbo Jetts are heel wheels with a motor

I'm here at Razer and these are the new turbo Jets motorized heel wheels that's right motorized they go up to ten miles an hour I'm going to try them out coming in February they cost a hundred and thirty dollars one is motorized and one is not you don't want to have two motorized things there's actually a detachable removable battery it takes two to four hours to actually charge one of these batteries and that gets you about 30 minutes of motorized wheel time the turbo jets are adjustable they kit a youth 12 to an adult 12 and they can fit pretty much any shoe the turbo jets will first be available for us in February March and April we're talking about wider availability things time to try them on isn't it let's do it I do this for you guys here you open it up pop that in pull your deal all the way back yep press it together hear the clicks aha grab this strap and you're good to go okay here we go it seemed a you're trying to be side by side so I'm not to be side by side oh right one behind yes there you go yep and bend your back foot a little bit which helps last chance okay I think I think this is better suited for somebody who might not be me but I might keep practicing one day and I'll be on these razor turbo Jets I might as actor 4c nice and these are the razor motorized turbo Jets
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