Recon's Jet fitness glasses show your stats while you run or ride
Recon's Jet fitness glasses show your stats while you run or ride
hey guys and taking out the Recon jet
glasses they have a tiny heads up
display that shows you stats about your
work out whether you're running or
biking or even skiing they can show you
how fast you're going what distance you
travel you can even download trail maps
to see where you are you can import all
the information that you get into your
computer to get a full report on your
work out the glasses use GPS trackers to
see where you're going and how fast
you're getting there you can also use
these glasses to take photos of wherever
you are they're also available in the
Recon snow to model which is for skiing
you can get the Recon jet now with five
hundred dollars and they come in black
white and clear
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